Yes, receiving is an art form, especially for women. You’d think receiving would be the easiest thing in the world to do, right? WRONG! I have found over the years, especially when I was a nail tech, the only time women took for themselves was every 2 weeks to get their nails done, and a few of them even felt guilty about that. Women by nature are the nurturers and givers, not receivers. I’m not sure when all that nonsense started, but it definitely needs to STOP!
I have to say, that I have been guilty of not being able to receive all that well too. But nothing makes you learn how to receive then being brought to you knees when your child is diagnosed with leukemia. When something like that happens, you really don’t have too much of a choice other than to receive. I guess you could play the martyr, but not if you want to be right there by your child’s side while they go through leukemia treatment. For me, that is exactly where I planned on being, right by Andrew’s side. Nothing else mattered. If we lost everything, it just didn’t matter to us. All that mattered was that we were with our son, and trusted the rest would work itself out IF we allowed ourselves to receive. And that is exactly what happened. Because we allowed ourselves to receive, everything on the outside world was taken care of while we were in the hospital with our son. Because of our decision to receive and surrender, we have the most beautiful, tender moments and memories with our son his last four months here. We shared such intimate moments with Andrew that parents will never experience with their children. There are no words to adequately describe what we shared with our son together.
Now after Andrew left here, I did have major guilt about how much receiving we did, because it was A LOT! I wondered how I was going to pay everyone back for their generosity on so many levels. As time went on I came to a realization. One, there was no way I could actually repay everyone for their generosity. Two, the most important realization, my receiving was a gift for those that did the giving. That’s right, my receiving was a gift to those that gave as well. It is a two way street.
Think about it, why do some people give so much? Because of how it makes them feel. They feel so good when they give to someone. I had a few friends that loved to give but had a hard time receiving. So I gave them a new perspective on it in my infinite Wise One ways. When I would try to do something nice for them, they would say “No, you don’t have to do that!” Then I would ask, “Why do you like to give?” Answer, “because it makes me feel so good.” My reply, “So why are you denying me that feeling!? That gift?” Then I saw the light bulb go on for them. They realized they were denying me the womderful gift of giving.
Recently there was a similar situation with a co-worker. A neighbor really helped her out when she had surgery, so she’s been helping him A LOT! Actually she’s been going over board with it, to where she’s not putting herself first. I explained to her that her neighbor giving to her probably did more for him on a karmic level considering his, how shall I say this, questionable past? She actually will have helped his life review after he passes is my guess. I also had to look at some people in the same way that gave to us. Just because they were generous to us while we were in the hospital does NOT give them the right to dump on me afterward. That’s when I realized that their giving to us will definitely help them karmically down the road. It may have even been a bigger gift to them than to us. Although I will ALWAYS be eternally grateful for their generosity.
Of course, there has to be a healthy balance in all of this. You don’t want to be the receiver or the giver all of the time. If you give all of the time and don’t receive, you’ll get burned out and resentful. If all you do is receive, well then, how do I say this, oh yeah, you’re just a mooch, sponge, bum, leech, or a freeloader. Oh, I guess I do know how to say this! *wink*
Remember, it’s not REAL giving if you are sacrificing yourself. Give to yourself first, only then can you truly give to someone else. If you give in resentment, energetically you are just giving resentment to the other person. Give from a joyful heart and the rewards are GREAT for both parties involved, it’s a win/win situation!
What else I have found is that it’s not about paying back the people that have been so kind and generous to you, it’s just about paying it forward! Sometimes it will be the people that gave to you and sometimes it’s not. The Universe will align you with the people you are suppose to give to. There is an amazing checks and balances in Universe. If you allow it, you will see, feel and learn the amazing art of receiving.