Signaholic! Yes, I am addicted to getting signs from Andrew ALL of the time! I am like a crack ho craving her crack! I want my signs everyday and all day if I could get them! Sometimes a day will go by and Andrew doesn’t turn on his fairy light. I try and let it go but I do feel a bit of the DT’s coming on when that happens. I need a hit of my signs everyday dammit! I didn’t get any today as of yet! I had to turn on his fairy light tonight! What kind of crap is that!!???

Lately he’s been shaking it up a bit! He turned on our pool light the other night like I mentioned before. I guess since our pool doesn’t look like the creature from the black lagoon is going to come out anymore, he decided to turn on the light. Last night he turned on our lamp in the back room AND his fairy light! I guess he knew I was having my Muck moments and needed a fix!

His tutor Jennifer is now getting signs from him, that in a mo.She was Andrew’s English tutor & she would have him write stories and had him do a biography of Martin. It came out so well. It looks just like a book. One thing she taught Andrew about writing, was about adding “fluff” when you are writing a story. She had forgotten about teaching him that when Martin reminded her the other day, telling her the message from Andrew was to add some “fluff’ to the paper she was writing for her class assignment, she is back in college. I believe I saw a tear in her eye when Martin mentioned that. I know she is still processing the fact Andrew really isn’t here physically anymore. She’s only known for a week! It’s a tough thing to process. I still can’t get my head around it & it’s been 6 months today for me.

Here is the e-mail I got on the sign she got from Andrew:

Jennifer: I was up late last night trying to finish my last paper of the week and stressing about getting it done! I came into the computer room and had turned on the lights and sat down at the computer getting ready to pose my final draft! I kept thinking to myself that it was to “sciency” and how was I going to make it “mine”!? Then one of the light bulbs blew out in the lamp…more like softly popped! Been in this house 4 years..that’s never happened! Then all of a sudden I was overwhelmed with the feeling that I just needed to add my own “fluff” to my paper and it would all be fine! :-) I started shaking my head thinking “OH GREAT…now I have to worry about changing a light bulb so I can see besides getting this stupid paper done!!” Then I realized, I think it was Andrew telling me not to stress and just “do what I know how to do”…”fluffify” my writing!!!!I finished my paper and think it’s one of my best ones yet! :-)

SO yes, my name is Connie and I am a signaholic and I don’t see me getting over it anytime soon! I will ALWAYS want my Muck signs along with my Mucklets as long as I have to stay here on this dimension!


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7 Responses to HI, MY NAME IS CONNIE AND I’M A…..

  1. Leila says:

    “I know she is still processing the fact Andrew really isn’t here physically anymore. She’s only known for a week! It’s a tough thing to process. I still can’t get my head around it & it’s been 6 months today for me.”

    For many of us too. (but, he really IS here/around! )
    Sending Jennifer extra angels of comfort and lots of love her way.

    I just love how Andrew plays with the lights!
    You wouldn’t happen to have one of those color wheels of light from the aluminum Christmas trees from the 60’s do you??? LOL LOL LOL

    love & hugs

  2. Leah Clark says:

    Connie – I got me own wee sign this morning! I was stressing out about my job when I saw the license plate in front of me. I had to really look at it – LFISGUD – Life Is Good! In that moment, I heard Andrew chuckle and I realized – my life IS good! Not to mention, Swati should be back in town today!!!! Woo-hoo! Stalking Season is now OPEN!

  3. Pretty Mama says:

    YAY! I miss stalking season! No offense anybody, but no one can out stalk Swati!

    That’s a good one Leah! Very cool.

    Actually my grandparents had one of those kind of lights & tree Leila. They fascinated me when I was a kid. How could it not?? A shiny silver tree and a turnie light thingy shining upon it. Maybe that’s where I got my love of shiny objects and pretty colors! LOL

    Thank you for sending extra Angels to Jennifer. She only found out a week ago about EVERYTHING! We’ve all been on this journey for 9 months or so.

  4. Leila says:

    “Maybe that’s where I got my love of shiny objects and pretty colors!”

    LOL me too-except it was our tree not my grandparents!
    We also had one of those cardboard plug in *fire place* LOL LOL LOL

    Yay! your best stalker is back in town!!!
    Welcome home Swati! :-)



  5. admin says:

    OMG! Are we sisters or something Leila?? That reminded me that we had one of those cardboard, plug in fire places too! AND we lived in NJ! I can see in Florida having one but NJ?? Man! Did we just date ourselves or what? LOL

    Ohhhh Swati!!!!! Come out come out where ever you are!! Yea, I know you are arriving home on the 7th and there’s that whole jet lag thing, BUT we miss youuuuuuuuu!!!!

  6. Leo says:

    Connie, have you seen Dr. Jane Greer’s book, THE AFTERLIFE CONNECTION: A Therapist Reveals How to Communicate with Departed Loved Ones? It is mentioned in John Edward’s After Life: Answers From the Other Side. Dr. Greer wrote of her experiences after her mother died and how she’s incorportated this into her psychotherapy practice. Her mother commonly popped light bulbs and Greer says that is a typical way that DLOs will communicate with their loved ones. She encourages people to look for signs.

  7. admin says:

    I will have to look for that book, Thanks Leo!

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