Since Swati, my official stalker, :-) wants to know when Martin will teach a teleclass on mediumship I figured I’d ask here and see if there’s any interest. I’m sure he’d teach it if there was enough interest. We just don’t have the energy to promote anything right now. If the people were there he’d do it I believe. Heck, I might even help teach it too!! :-)

Just so you know, Swati is an Angel Therapy Practitioner (R,TM,C) like myself and just happens to love my work is all. :-) She’s harmless so no need to call the cops or feds yet! LOL
So let us know if you’d be interested in a mediumship tele-class. Martin is an excellent teacher! And you’d have an Avatar popping in too!

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  1. Kali Robinson says:

    *puts hand up and waves it madly in the air then realises you cant SEE that through the pc screen*

    once i get this skpye thinky figured out fuuur suuuure!! and if you come to australia for shows/to teach mediumship.. i’ll be there too.

  2. Swati says:

    Oh Oh and will we have typed notes too? Something downloadable in lesson form so that we can study each lesson in theory before coming in for a teleclass on that lesson?

  3. Swati says:

    And correction to what Connie wrote above…its not just her work I love…I really love HER too! Its always so refreshing to talk to her…and you will all agree with me on that :). I am grateful to God she is my friend. So call the cops :D, but I will always stalk her! :D :lol

  4. Leah Clark says:

    Count me in for the teleseminar – I want to learn too!!! I still gotta order me one of them there meditation CDs…

  5. admin says:

    Geez Swati demand much!! LOL Lucky for you I did check and Martin said in fact he does have notes from his intuitive development class. I believe there will be an exercise one week in which you will connect w/Andrew and get a message from him just for you! I think that’s what he’s telling me. Dunno why else I’d say that! SO I believe you will have all 3 of us teaching it! WOW! Kinda cool!

  6. Swati says:

    Awesome!! Now where else can you find such a fantastically efficient self styled CEO and President of Stalkers Inc? ;) Yes, I do want to connect with
    Andrew and get a message just for me! LOL…I guess he heard :D. I had wanted to talk so much with him, and wanted to ask Martin to ask Andrew to say something to me. But I didn’t ask you because I thought that’ll be so selfish of me. So I guess he decided he’ll speak to me himself :D. Maybe he has been speaking to me…but I have a tough time knowing when someone is talking to me, and when I am talking to myself. LOL! Did you read the comment in which I told you that he listened to my request of appearing in my dream. When Karen emailed us about him on that Monday night, I was besides myself with shock and grief (even though I never knew him), and I was extremely upset just imagining what YOU were going through. So at first I begged and pleaded with God to just send him back…cuz it has happened before…NDE’s happen all the time. So I begged and yelled and cried. But I knew it wouldn’t happen. So I wanted to see him, and I asked him to appear in my dreams…and all the time I was worried sick about you…you know…mum to mum feelings. So in the morning before I woke up, he did appear in my dreams….dancing with you. Slowly and gracefully… :).

  7. Sue says:

    Hey, can I be your stalker too??? PLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZ…. may I? (jumping up and down)

  8. Pranamama says:

    I’m in for Martin’s class!

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