If you’d like us to come to your area & perform just send me the info of any Church Of Religious Science centers, metaphysical or any new thought, new age churches or centers, I will contact them. These kind of places have large enough venues for us to be able to travel.
They just need to be open to mediumship and psychic gifts. I have a press release and testimonials I can e-mail them.
Let’s get the party started!!! :-D :-D
I have a few contacts in the Charlotte area. I will email you the info when I get in this afternoon.
Awesome Kimberly! I will contact them all! I have 9 e-mails out there already! I’ve e-mailed all around So-Cal, from Camarillo to San Diego, Vegas and New Mexico.
I figured since I booked Tampa just by sending an e-mail with my press release & testimonials, why not try it around the country. I especially want to book a few So-Cal in Oct. before we head to Kona, Hawaii.
I will look for these in my area and will email you the list of emails soon. I have some eye infection now because of which I cannot stay at the computer long enough, but it should clear up soon, and I will do this research for you. Do I need to know any of them? I don’t know anyone, but I can get the phone numbers and emails for you.
Nope! Don’t need to know them, as long as you think they would be open to our kind of show, I’ll just e-mail them with my info and see if they are interested. If you can get me a website so I can see what they offer, I can usually tell by their website if they would be open.
Thanks Swati! Sorry to hear about your eye! :-(
Unity Church of the Oaks. 1313 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd. Suite 113 Thousand Oaks, Ca 91362
You can use my name as a referral.
You might also try the Akashic Bookstore Center next door. They’ve had Lee Carroll/Kryon there every year (sp?).
I’ll post that below.
They are same address and Suite 103.
My 83 m-i-l went into the hospital Sunday evening and was released yesterday. I’ve been helping by having her dogs here. One is obese and has psychological problems. It’s a 94 pound lab mix and tall like a Rhodesian Ridgeback. I threw my back out Monday morning and have been dealing with all of that. I am healing: gone to the chiropractor 3 x and so on. I’m running Aunt Leo’s Biggest Loser Fat Farm for Canines. ;-)
My husband stayed the night last night. I am going to call around for home health care today. Wish us luck!
I love my m-i-l. She can be a difficult personality, but I know the truth. She went over the top with insulting me the Saturday before the first Pure Heart Class. It was interesting because I went into therapeutic non-defensive reflection with her and she told my husband and sister-in-law twice she was sorry. Psychology with love works. Also, she was obvious sick, in retrospect. She fell or passed out a couple days later on Monday. Was checked out at the hospital and released. But by that Sunday night, she was back in the hospital for congestive heart failure and other problems. :-(
I automatically did the exercise meditation with the green ball energy on her higher self that Martin and Andrew gave us. It confirmed what I have sensed: she is a profound teacher. It’s masked by her generation, her illnesses (physical and emotional). But at heart, she’s a good, pure love. As we all are.
Onward and upward!
I’m sorry to hear about your m-i-l but how wonderful you are able to see through the smoke and mirrors and see her authentic self. I also think it is very cool that you did the meditation Martin and Andrew gave.
Big dogs with psychological problems are the worst! They can cause physical harm as you have unfortunately found out. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
I went to both links. The Akashic Book Store looks great but doesn’t have an e-mail addy. I also noticed that it appears that they rent the room. There lies the issue, me trying to fill the room. If I am able to book another show while I’m out then it’s worth the risk.
SO Unity churches are open to mediumship and psychic stuff? Man! Churches really make me uncomfortable! Until I know that they are really open anyways. ;-)
Thanks for the info Leo, feel better!