OMG! They don’t come more obvious than this!!! I got this e-mail from Tammy the Tall, she tried to post it but the site has been acting up. I just has to share it here, it’s too good not to!
The brother’s name is Andrew…the sister Jordan….the WHOLE family introduced themselves to me….that has never happened!!! (I can attest to that! Tammy is the one who does the introducing) I had just told Andrew yesterday…a couple of times we need some major “other side assistance”…I had 2 readings today that netted me $265.00 & I made 105.00 at work tonight…..we need more then that…but IT IS A MAJOR start & I know your son had a hand in that!!”
I hope that your day was filled with love…..& Again happy anniversary!!!!!
Andrew gave me a sign as soon as Denise and I got in the car at the Orlando airport. I was upset about Chrissy leaving. She is always my full time playmate when she is here. When she lived with us, it was her and I that planned Wizard’s Window decor. It was her and I that decided on Wizard’s Window inventory. It was her and I that ran errands together, did happy hours together, visit Elatia at Long Horn’s. Everyone else has a life. Chrissy’s life here was being a playmate for me and keeping me out of Martin’s hair! LOL So yea, I was going to miss her being here. Andrew filled her shoes when things slowed down for me with traveling staffing for Doreen Virtue. So as we leave the airport, Aerosmith’s song for Andrew when he was born came on, “You’re My Angel.” It was his way of giving me a hug and letting me know he was there. But I have to say, Tammy’s story is pretty freakin great! What the hell are the odds on that one???
BTW Swati, LOVING the OBE book! Haven’t gotten very far yet but soooo loving this guy’s stories. The link to the FREE book is in one of the recent post’s comments here. If you want to learn how to have an out of body experience and visit loved ones who have moved on, then this is the book for you! I’m looking forward to getting some more 1st hand info on my castle! I’m going to go there for some resbit. I am missing y son and castle! Time to reconnect to make this place more bearable!
Great signs!!!!
Now you can visit Chrissy on one your ob trips ;-)
Yea! Great idea Leila!! I can do an OBT and scare the piss outta her!!! :-D
Wow! What a sign! And yes, its time you flew Connie. This afternoon I was out flying. Didn’t go very far…but I was flying over the mountains that are right in front of my house. It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehehe…one day I will do this even better, and at will.
Connie, when the family introduced themselves…I ALMOST lost it…I had a feeling of being in an alternate reality! Because I was!! Hehehe I LOVE Him!! Thank you Andrew…I am going to go get the OBE book….!!!I am sorry your playmate left!!!
I am glad you had a good time at the funeral…..who the hell says that………………………………….???????? Us!
Blessed Be
Tammy the Tall
The free online OBE book for anyone who wants to try this:
Have fun! :-D :-D :-D