Wanna help? We need to start now to build the momentum for the 2nd Annual IIAGD! Martin and I were discussing how important IIAGD really is. Martin was reading to me from Gregg Braden’s book, “Time Fractal” or something to that effect, on the way home Saturday from out appts. He reminded me how our emotions do effect the Earth’s energy, and it has been measured from space. Two days that there was a dramatic change in the Earth’s energy was Sept 11, 2001 around 9am and Aug 31, 1997, the day of Princess Diana’s accident.

I was inspired to start IIAGD just a few weeks before Andrew’s 1st anniversary. Soon after I decided this, we saw Gregg Braden speak at the “I Can DO It” in Tampa in Oct. I got chills & tears welled up when he SHOWED us how the Earth’s energy changed on those 2 days. When I saw that, I knew I was onto something much bigger than just a grieving mother trying to create a new memory for Oct 22.

What can you do I hear you ask? Well, Martin suggested emailing Oprah. SO I did, but I know it takes more than 1 email so I am going to send an email everyday. I am just going to email the same one everyday, unless I get inspired to send something new. Here’s what I sent, you can use any part of it if you want to send an email too. This email is under 1500 characters. Ellen requires 1500 or under, while Oprah requires 2000 or under.

On Oprah’s site there is a “contact us” link at the very bottom of the page. On Ellen’s page click on the “be a part of the show” link on the top of the page and then scroll down to “Dear Ellen” that’s where you can send a question, suggestion or comment.
Letter to Oprah or Ellen or Rachael Ray…

INT’L IT’S ALL GOOD DAY! PLEASE! Ellen help me get the word out! I am working to get my 17yo son Andrew’s message out there. He was and is a profound teacher. He made his journey home 10/22/07 @ 16yo, 4 mo after a leukemia diagnosis.

To change the energy of trauma and loss of 10/22/07 for us a yr later, I declared it INT’L IT’S ALL GOOD DAY & asked everybody on 10/22/08, no matter what happens, remember to say IT’S ALL GOOD. It was his fav saying even in the hospital going thru Leukemia treatment. He would say “Awesome!” & “It’s All Good!” w/2 thumbs up.

My son didn’t come here to fade away. His messages are too powerful! The 1st annual IIAGD spread around the world thru Doreen Virtue & James Van Praagh’s message boards. I want the 2nd Annual 1 to be bigger! Our collective emotions on 911 where measured fm space. I want 1 day of positive emotions so that it can be measured fm space too. I want to turn the worst day in my life, as I told the dr’s to stop working on my beautiful 16yo son, & watched as he flat lined, into a day of celebration of an incredible young man’s life who affected people around the world, not only on his leukemia journey, but through his entire life & even now.
Follow the link of our work to get Andrew’s messages out there. I share the IIAGD message at our concerts but they are still small & this message needs to get out there ASAP!
PLEASE! Help us get the word out – 2nd annual IIAGD!
In Grace/Gratitude!
If you feel guided to email Oprah or anyone of influence, please feel free!


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  1. Leah Clark says:

    Connie – what email are you sending it to?

  2. admin says:

    I went to the bottom of the page of and click the “contact us” link. Looks like you and me are gonna have to send a helluva lot of emails ourselves Leah!

  3. Leah Clark says:

    Well, if you’ll give me the Ellen and Rachel Ray emails, I’ll send to them too. :)

  4. admin says:

    Ummm all I do is go to their website and look at the bottom for a contact us link. Oprah is Ellen is I think and Rachael Ray I dunno yet. They don’t give an email addy.

  5. Leah Clark says:

    Okee dokee… thought you had some secret squirrel shit handshake or something like that. :D I’ll look it up meeself!

  6. admin says:

    I guess it’s just you and me kid! ;-)

    That would be cool if I did have some secret squirrel shit handshake. But all I could find is links to contact us on the websites.

  7. Leah Clark says:

    Okay – here’s the letter I’m using – it works for Oprah, had to trim it a little for Ellen to make it 1500 characters. I thought it would be better if I made it from my perspective, and I changed the link to the one on the blog for the first IIAGD. That way, maybe someone reads the blog, gets more of the story, and we’ve got two different links out there. Whatchoo t’ink, eh? Water boot yer kid! (that just makes me laugh… hahaha)

    Dear *Insert Show Host Name Here* –

    My friends Connie and Martin Jordan (she’s a metaphysical comedienne and he’s a psychic – so he sees dead people and she makes fun of them) lost their son Andrew to leukemia on October 22, 2008. Since Martin is a psychic, they have not lost contact with Andrew. In fact, they are getting daily lessons from him.

    Rather than dwell in the sorrow of having lost their son, Connie and Martin have made October 22 International It’s All Good Day in honor of Andrew, a wonderful young man who, no matter what he was going through – lumbar punctures, intubation, sores in his mouth from chemotherapy and radiation (sores so intense he couldn’t swallow his own saliva) – constantly gave a thumbs-up and declared, “It’s All Good!” In fact, I remember one story that says Andrew was on the toilet with gut-wrenching diarrhea and told his mom, “I’m happy.” What Andrew’s parents have asked for on International It’s All Good Day is for one day, no matter what happens, that we declare, “It’s All Good!” Scientists like Gregg Braden have measured the effects of events like this one on the global consciousness – and they are measurable from space!

    I have read that President Obama is asking some of these scientists for their data on ways we can change the Earth – and this strikes me as a perfect opportunity to reward Connie and Martin for their efforts – after all, so many people watch your show – can you imagine if all of them spent even one day saying, “It’s All Good!”?

    Please visit Andrew’s site for more information – we want the second annual IIAGD to be even larger than the first, and WE NEED YOUR HELP!

    Thank you so much for reading this email, and for your consideration of this idea.

    In Faith, Prosperity and Song,
    Leah Clark
    Tampa, FL

  8. admin says:

    Andrew crossed on Oct 22 , 2007 not 08, other than that it’s great. BUT we have to send the emails like every day or almost everyday. I’ve sent it twice already.

    I’m also going to start a group on FB & Myspace for IIAGD to try and get the word out. I want to see how the others are ran so I do it right. I don’t want to start it then leave it.

    Thanks (((((Leah))))) for helping!!!

  9. Leah Clark says:

    Aw, crap – that’s right. Well, I’ll change it before I send it again tomorrow. :D

    Hey – I’m working on a secret squirrel shit handshake. So far, it ends with a nose thumbing gesture. But I’m not giving anything else away here! Secret Squirrel Shit… is, well, SECRET! LOL

  10. Karen T. says:

    I’m on it too ladies!! It’s all good!!!

  11. admin says:

    YAY! That’s 3 of us now!!

  12. Leah Clark says:

    I guess Karen gets to learn the handshake too. LOL!

  13. Sara says:

    Did you ever share the prank Andrew played on John Edwards with John Edwards and his show staff? They could be a prime broadcaster for this special day.
    Andrew is so active, doing so much. Not the usual Oprah or Ellen fodder. It is hard to explain the work he is doing that is not in ya’ll’s lives but others. He is working closely with my mother who is doing her own amazing things. Finally free of the chains her physical disabilities gave her, shje is back at work and such a Super Mom! And Andrew is around her giving her extra power boosts when needed and helping her evolve even more! WOW! I mean, how do you explain this to Oprah etc. I think any focus in that area should be on the CD of music he has given to Martin…Abundance will come from that end as well as touching lives that have never been reached by him.
    Just my thoughts–
    So many blessings and thanks to both of you and wish I had gotten to see you in person when I visited Martin…

  14. Karen T. says:


  15. Swati says:

    Great idea and awesome emails ladies. :-) I’ll be emailing them soon too.

  16. admin says:

    Thanks Swati!!!

  17. admin says:

    I posted in the blog exactly where to find Ellen and Oprah’s way to contact them. Haven’t checked out Rachael Ray’s yet.

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