Just a reminder that we’ll be doing our show w/Andrew Wednesday night at 8p.m. EST on Blog Talk Radio
We think the topic will be about the “Bridge Walk” and how to live your life to the fullest to have an amazing journey Home. BUT Andrew could always change our minds. ;-)
As you all can tell, Martin has done a lot of work over the past few days on the site. The logins are finally fixed, as is, drum roll pleeease……..THE CHAT ROOM! WOot WoOT! So please feel free to meet up and chat anytime. We will be scheduling chats with Andrew soon! See? One of the benefits for being registered on the site! Martin and I are planning more benefits for those being registered here and for those who have been here non stop since the beginning! We appreciate you! We love you!!!!
Martin and I are working on making this a busy spiritual community of like minded people to share thoughts, ideas, stories, inspiration, love, etc. We will be sending out a regular newsletter soon and we encourage you all to participate with articles you find, or write one yourself to share in the newsletter. We also would like suggestions for topics you’d like us to discuss on our radio show.
We are collecting stories about your experience with Andrew before and after he ascended as well. They will be for the 2nd book, and possibly for newsletters. Our goal is to get Andrew’s message and inspiration out to the world on a bigger scale. That’s the only thing that helps me deal with all this. Andrew came and left here for a damn good reason! Certainly NOT to be forgotten that’s for sure!
No forgetting here! I think about him, and the two of you every day because of my little green bracelet. It is my reminder of the changes that have taken place in me since meeting you. And to remind me that no matter what is happening I can choose to be positive. If Andrew could remain that way while battling AML, I have no excuses.
Lots of love!!!
I’ll be tuning in tonight! :)