Martin decided to go to the grocery store with me today so I didn’t have to go by myself. First we had to go to the bank & make a deposit at the ATM by the grocery store.
I actually found a spot right up front. Martin got out with me as I made the deposit. I get done with it and he heads off on the opposite direction of our car. It’s the norm so I head off to our car figuring he’ll see I’m not going the same direction.
I get to the car and see Martin not coming to the car &Â he looking all disorientated like he didn’t even know what dimension he was on! Typical really, which is why I do ALL the driving!
I finally call his name because I want to get to the grocery store and home before the next day! LOL He comes over to the car but on his side and I stand there waiting and say “What? Now you are not going to open my door for me!” I know I looked like a total bitch laughing at him and then saying that as one guy was looking on laughing but Andrew and Martin would always get all pissy if I opened my own car door.
Martin tries to defend himself saying that he had asked Andrew for a physical message from him today. Sometimes it’s nice to have a physical message than the just the ones you get in your head. So while we were standing at the ATM Martin heard Andrew say “Turn around Daddy.” Martin did at the guy behind us, the one laughing at us while I was making fun of Martin wondering around in front of the bank ATM, and on his shirt it said “World’s Greatest Dad”
Martin got his physical message from Andrew, and I got another story of Martin being out of body to make fun of! He was out of body because Martin was tapping into Andrew and not paying attention to where he was, which is another example of why we don’t let him drive! :-) Andrew never did play favorites, he gave Martin and I a gift with this one! LOL
I love using the “he’s so connected he’s not allowed to drive” bit when I get to talk to people about you 3…LMAO!!! Sorry Martin…Love ya….giggle snort!!!!
[quote]I get to the car and see Martin not coming to the car & he looking all disorientated like he didn’t even know what dimension he was on! Typical really, which is why I do ALL the driving![/quote]
LOL!!!!!!!!!! I love it when I get to laugh at someone who is worse than me! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!
[quote]“World’s Greatest Dadâ€[/quote]
Wow..that was SUCH A FABULOUSLY COOOOOL sign!!
Ditto to what Swati said! Except for the always leaving your body thing. Well…actually I do do that – I just don’t where I’ve been! But then WHOOSH! I’m back and … I’M DRIVING! OY! I always tell my angels to drive for me when that happens! *lol!*
World’s Greatest Dad is AWESOME! What a coolio sign indeed!
Big smiles and what a gentle, warm sign.
((!!)) Leo