1. Denise says:

    I am VOTING I am VOTING already geeee

  2. admin says:

    r u having any luck with more than one vote with the tapping?? I’m not. :-(

  3. Karen T. says:

    It works in the wee hours. ;) I’ll keep tapping for ya!

  4. Karen T. says:

    Going for 65,000 before bed! Tapping you to the top Connie!!!

  5. Karen T. says:

    Okay! Got you up to 65,007 before my arm gave in and I needed to go get some shut eye…LOL. So I am passing the baton until my wee hour escapades tomorrow night…or is that tonight? LOL And since there is only 2 and 1/2 weeks left, and we need to see you win this almost as much as you need it, that will be my nightly thing. I will get you up to the next 5,000 mark each night. If you make 70,000, my goal that night is 75,000 and so on. We will make this thing happen Connie!!!

  6. admin says:

    WOW Karen! Are you getting the multi votes with the tapping?? I haven’t been able to get it to do it lately. I tap my wee heart out and it only shows up as 1 vote! I don’t know if I love me enough to do 5,000 in one sitting! LOL Although it might help me with OBEs doing the repetitive motion! :-)

  7. Karen T. says:

    Yes…it works late at night. And I hopefully won’t have to do a full 5,000…there are others voting too. :)

  8. Kelley says:

    I’m still here!!! I’m still tapping, too!!! I haven’t given up either. And yes, it still let’s me get in ‘lots o’ votes’ per tap session. Not sure why it’s being finicky for you Connie. I plan on dedicating some tap time during my work day today….afterall….it is Friday!!!! Who gives 100% at work on a Friday??? :o) Have a good weekend, everyone!

  9. admin says:

    I like the way you think Kelley!! ;-) Well, I’ll keep trying to get my lots of votes and hope it kicks in. It’s addictive when you see the numbers jump!

  10. admin says:

    OK! This is total BS! I clicked on highest rated and there were mom’s ahead of me with lower votes and the same rating of 8.6!!! WTF?? There were moms with 1562 votes with an 8.6 rating AHEAD of me!!! I have over 65,200 votes! How the hell does this work?? And I still can’t get my numbers up with tapping! I’m only getting 1 vote no matter how much I tap! BaaaaWaaaaa!

    Thanks Kelley and Karen for your diligence!!!!

  11. Karen T. says:

    As far as your rating goes, I tapped last night from 60,8 something to 65,007 and it didn’t go up from 8.5 to 8.6 until the beginning of the 64,000’s. That’s a lot of tapping to do to raise that rating. Geesh!!

  12. Karen T. says:

    Back to tapping…..had a whole 28 hours without internet…UGH!

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