Elatia taped Andrew playing the guitar when he was in the PICU back in July. It was soon after he got off the ventilator. He hadn’t played in awhile and was all hooked up to IVs and machines. Again proving how amazing Andrew is! He wasn’t pleased with the way he was playing but to me??? It was amazing! Get your tissues ready!! Just go to
You da bomb Muck!!!

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9 Responses to VIDEO OF ANDREW

  1. Pranamama says:

    Just watched Andrew playing the guitar and I feel like crying…I’ve been teaching myself to play and been struggling, well I thought I was struggling till I saw Andrew hooked up to all the lines and you holding the guitar for him….and he played soooo beautifully…ummm I’ve gotta sign off so I can go practice…and I’ll be thinking of Andrew when my fingers hurt and… be grateful!

  2. Pranamama says:

    Was Andrew self taught?

  3. Leah Clark says:

    OMG! I never got to see Andrew with hair! (before his ascension, that is…) He’s so beautiful… I love this footage.

  4. Swati says:

    WOW!! Connie….I know you know it already, but I need to say it, he is the VISION of an ANGEL!!! And yes, I know this…cuz I have seen his pictures before, but I need to say this too, he is SO INCREDIBLY handsome!!! There, lying in bed, in white, that lovely serious look on his face, the curls on his head, I could imagine him with wings. Big white feathery wings. The peace and the power is all over him.

    Tell me something…how on EARTH did you manage to keep all the girls from breaking all your doors and windows to get to him? LOL!!!!!

    Oh Connie…as I know more and more about Andrew, I feel like saying, “Connie how LUCKY you are that you had him for 16 years physically with you, and now, eternally”. I know you know this too. But I needed to say it.

    Stalker-in-chief is delayed in responding today because I away the whole day.

    I will be watching his video everyday. I had a complain I couldn’t see angels…so that is erased…even though I got to know this angel after he became invisible like all other angels.


  5. admin says:

    Yes, Beth he is self taught pretty much. Martin would show him a few things. He found stuff on the internet to help him learn the songs.

    My niece said Andrew had played for them the last time they were up which was a week and 1/2 before he ascended. He played for Jessie and the baby. My niece has such special memories with Andrew.

    Oh Swati, we live in a neighborhood with mostly senior citizens so no problem here. BUT in Ireland???? OMG!! The girls wouldn’t leave him alone! It drove my sis in law crazy with all the girls callin to her house for him! Andrew didn’t like it tho. It embarrassed him. Not only were they crazy about him because he was so handsome but because he was a “yank” w/money too! LOL Yea, and in So-Cal too he had a few girls vying for his attention! I’m glad we home schooled him! Can you even imagine??? :-0

  6. admin says:

    You know Swati, Martin and I do say we are lucky to have had him for 16 yrs. physically. The mama gene wants a hell of a lot more time! 16yrs wasn’t enough! But my Higher Self feels so grateful! He is just amazing! We had a peace of Heaven with him!

  7. Swati says:

    Connie…while I wrote that you are so lucky to have him….the mommy part of me cried, “But it must be so absolute wretched to “lose” him now!!”. You know…part of me is a very very muggle mum. You know that after he ascended that Monday night I pleaded and begged that God send him back. Why does he touch me so Connie? Why does he affect me like this? I am not his mum…and I never saw him or spoke to him…in fact I knew him only after he ascended? Why didn’t I know him before? Oh well…

  8. jessica says:

    I love to listen to it..I remember so many days when andrew and uncle martin would sing and play together,it was just so beautiful! And his full head of hair…gotta love it…he is just so gorgeous! :) and amazing oh yea and cant forget the strong part!!! love you all so very much! I love you Andrew!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo

  9. admin says:

    I’m so glad you were able to share in our sacred moments Jessie. He always looked forward to Nana Springsteen and your visits! And of course Aunt Lisa’s foot massages and steaks! I really miss all that as hard as it was!

    We love you Jessie!!

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