Andrew has been very busy talking to Martin all day and into the night today. He’s been doing a lot of attunements on us. Some are more subtle than others. He’s preparing us for something but don’t know exactly what. We are going on faith and trust here. We know we will get the info on a need to know basis. We don’t need to know everything right now. I know there are some of you out there, that shall remain nameless, that don’t want to hear that. But that’s just how it works.

Martin has had a hard time staying in his body today….more than usual. We were at the Irish Rover tonight and Martin was looking at me and I could tell that something was going on, his eyes were funny looking. He said Andrew wouldn’t leave him alone. Andrew was taking him places & he wasn’t in his body.

We went outside for some fresh air and Brian Johnson, lead singer of AC/DC came out as well. He’s at the Rover a lot. He’s a hoot to talk to, most “Yanks” probably wouldn’t understand him. Brian signed a few weeks ago the guitar Andrew worked so hard on getting, “Rock in Peace!” I like that! I thought that was cool. I think being outside and talking to Brian and “High Top” Mike helped to ground Martin a bit for a bit. You know how goes!

Anyway, one of the things Andrew was discussing with Martin was about philosophizing. We can philosophize something into existence or we can philosophize too much to where said something goes out of existence. The place in between is called faith. That’s the place to be. To me my friends, that is the philosopher’s stone! FAITH! :-D


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  1. Joanie Light says:

    “We can philosophize something into existence or we can philosophize too much to where said something goes out of existence.”

    Can you ‘splain it to me Lucy? Must be having a lack of sleep blonde moment. Not sure I understand the “out of existence” part. Example?

  2. Swati says:

    [quote]We don’t need to know everything right now. I know there are some of you out there, that shall remain nameless, that don’t want to hear that.[/quote]
    Yeah! Such people! I tell you! Even I am tired of them. I keep telling them to have patience, but they just don’t listen as you know. Ah! What am I to do with such people :-P.

  3. Dana says:

    LOL @ Swati!

    Well when we finally ‘need to know’ – it will be a ‘good thing’! :)

  4. Pretty Mama says:

    You know how you can talk yourself out of something Joanie? Well, you can over philosophize something too, to where you over think something right out of your existence.

    Right Swati? What are we to do with such people! LOL

  5. Joanie Light says:

    Makes sense!!

    I guess I over philosophized myself out of the Forum. Won’t let me log-in and/or tells me my user name doesn’t exist, and yet, there it is right on the blog comments. Help, I’m having withdrawals.

  6. Julia Tuchman says:

    Sending love to you and martin- Thank you for the lesson Andrew- I needed that one too! thank you for everything- for sharing your story- your strength- your wisdom and andrew’s wisdom.

    Love julia

  7. admin says:

    Martin’s been working on the site Joanie so it’s not just you. E-mail Martin if it’s still an issue, [email protected]

    Thanks Julia, this is what keeps Martin and I going and not losing our minds. We appreciate everyone that comes here and shares this not so easy journey with us.

  8. Martin says:


    Check your email. Let me know when you can log back in under your old login so I can disable the new one.


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