The Meeting of An Avatar Part I

It started in mid September of 2011, life as I knew it started to changed. Stress, emotions and financial hardship were wearing heavily on my life and it felt as if everything was spinning out of control. I found myself feeling lonely, depressed and searching for answers. I was so lost within myself. I decided to contact a physic network. Not really knowing if this was the right thing to do. I reviewed over 200 readers on the site, each had his or her own style. I wasn’t even sure what I was looking for. But what I do know is that I kept getting drawn to one in particular that went under the name of Hern. I really didn?t know why this one kept catching my attention. It was as if something was hitting me, not literally of course. I didn’t call him at first, I
instead called another reader, I discussed my issues with the reader and I had a very uneasy feeling with this person, eerie best describes it. After I hung up, this voice said to me, “You need to call Hern”.

I looked around my room, no one was there. The voice was coming from within.
What was this all about? It?s all in my mind, that is what I thought at first. A couple of days later I called a different reader. The reader didn’t freak me out like the first one, but instead fished and asked way to many questions. I was not happy and nothing was accomplished. Again that voice said “I told you to call Hern”. What the hell was this?
For a few more days this voice continued and I continued to question it. Finally I decide to listen to this voice give Hern a call, I was very impressed, he was easy to talk to and help make sense of the issues I had and he made me feel good about myself. After we hung up my conversation with him played in my mind for days.

What was it? Why? Who was he really? Something was making me curious about him, I never had this with anyone I ever read with before. This energy/voice that kept surrounding me was overwhelming to say the least. It kept leading me back to Hern. It was a push to look further. So I listened to it and began a deeper search of the
physic. Much to my surprise within minutes of my search I not only find out who he really was and his real name but a picture of a 16 year old boy named Andrew who is an Avatar now pops into the picture. I then find a book that was written about the boy by his Mother titled “No Regrets”. I found a small summery of the book and couldn’t believe it. The picture on the book cover memorized me and took me to a whole other level. It was almost as if he was looking at me. Oh my God, what had I discovered? I suddenly felt an attachment to the boy that is difficult to explain, almost as if he was reaching into the inner core of me.

It was just a sense of knowing, but “why me” was the question. I didn’t know these people. But what I did know is that there was definitely more layers to this than I could ever imagine. Was this it? Was this the answer I was looking for and was this the energy that led me to the physic who I found out to be the boys father who’s name was really Martin? Ok, so now what? I pondered on it for a few days and then I placed a second call to Hern, we talked, he helped me with a few dates for some upcoming events and we hung up. But as I recall that energy which I now believed was Andrew kept telling me to confront Hern/Martin. I chickened out of telling him that I knew who he was and that I believed his son was responsible for our connection. I didn’t want him to think I was crazy and I was scared of how he would respond to me confronting him.

Days following that second call to Hern, Andrew told me I really needed to confront him, I needed to come out with what I knew, I would say back, “What if he gets mad and hangs up on me or worse has my calls to him blocked.” I certainly didn’t want this – But Andrew said to me “Oh, No,No, he won?t be mad, Do it, Do it, let my Dad know you know, let my Dad know I told you to call him, DO IT”! Oh, crap I really didn’t need this, God knows I had enough going on in life.

Now I started to feel like Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost. Really Kid, I thought, really, why me, I don?t know you or your family. I heard a laugh and the words “Do it, call my dad again?. “Okay, Okay I will do it, but I better not get blasted for this kid”, I heard the words say back “don?t worry, It?s all good”. This was all happening the last few days of September 2011. In addition, for some reason this voice kept pushing me to call on Monday. So, on Monday morning of October 3, 2011 at 10:18am CST I would place my
third call to Hern. I was going to take the advice of Andrew?s energy that surrounded me and confront the physic.

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