And speaks and speaks! Andrew was very chatty Sat. night! We went over to Colleen and David’s last night to work on the crystals for his ashes. Denise, Colleen and myself went into their workshop to work on the tops for the crystals to seal them.

Martin and I, for the first time opened Andrew’s urn to get some ashes for the crystals. Not something I was looking forward to. Martin is the one who filled the small mouth wash container Andrew was saving. He saved a bunch of them, he was adamant about keeping them. He said he wanted them for his herbs, not so much anymore. It was hard for me of course! Especially when I saw small pieces of bone amongst the ashes. That was hard. But after him sending me the song Sat. and him talking so much last night, it helped me to stay focused on who he is now and not go into deep despair.

Denise, Colleen and I went into their workshop to work on the tops for the crystals. While we did that, Martin was out side with David and Andrew. Andrew was quite the Chatty Kathy. Only he was talking very profound information. He didn’t stop when we got home either! Oh No! He was still going! AWESOME! I love when that happens.We really need to tape our sessions with him! Andrew gives such amazing information. Martin and I were laying in bed last night as Andrew continued to teach. I had a hard time keeping my eyes open but I did because I didn’t want to miss anything. He asked Martin for one word to describe the Universe. Martin had a few but not what Andrew was looking for. Then Andrew said, the one word that describes the Universe is EFFORTLESS. The Universe was created effortlessly and runs effortlessly! The Universe does not struggle. Grass grows effortlessly, the sun rises and sets effortlessly. Everything the Universe does, it does effortlessly. If only man could grasp that concept. The art of allowing then life would be effortless!

Again, simple concept that humans like to complicate.

Of course we then had to say that it was actually the absence of effort! :-D


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6 Responses to THE AVATAR SPEAKS!

  1. Swati says:

    “Effortless”! What a perfect word to describe the universe. Yep, you should tape the sessions with him :).

    Connie…Andrew must have worked overtime, triple power when you worked with his ashes and felt the bones. To have you here still smiling…he must have worked very very powerfully with you to keep you sane. Hats off to him, to you and to Martin!

    Love always,

  2. admin says:

    Honestly Swati, I don’t know how I do it. Maybe I’m not fully in body and may never be again because I may lose my mind if I do. Or maybe it’s Martin and Andrew keeping me together. I am working very hard to stay focused on who Andrew is now. Martin and I talking with him together really helps. It becomes more real to me that he is with us. I have to believe that all that I know is true. That being the case, Andrew is here, just in a lighter body that’s going to take me a little while to 1. to get use to and 2. to be able to see & hear him clearly.

    I miss him so much physically! I’d give anything to be in isolation with him and Martin right now at ACH instead of going to Ireland on Wed. But that is never going to happen so I have to go with the flow if I want to have a happy life. I have to take Andrew’s lead and decide to be happy no matter what. If I want to honor him and make him proud that is what I have to do. He taught me that much!

    Can I do it effortlessly?? um yea, probably not. But I will continue to work on it.

    Having a stalker like you really helps too! :-D

  3. Swati says:

    Even I don’t know how you do it. And yet there are things you have written here that are so true that they touch a raw nerve inside…and then there are things you have written that are so beautiful and profound….that once again I feel like asking…how do you do it?

    “1. Maybe I’m not fully in body and may never be again because I may lose my mind if I do.”

    So true. It really touches something inside. With all the good and profound things pointed out, I still wish so much you had him with you, in the physical. I don’t know how people remain sane after losing someone they love. “Losing” physically I mean. It just feels weird using words like “dead”, “lost” etc with Andrew because he is SO much here and talking with us. Probably even shaking his head at me right now for being so muggle and wishing this had never happened. lol

    “2. I am working very hard to stay focused on who Andrew is now.”

    If only it was something everyone could do, death wouldn’t hurt us so much. Teach people how you do it…

    “3. I have to believe that all that I know is true. That being the case, Andrew is here, just in a lighter body that’s going to take me a little while to 1. to get use to and 2. to be able to see & hear him clearly.”

    You should run seminars, outreach programs especially for moms who have “lost” their children. The things you say…if they are followed, really death will not be as terrifying as it is now. The honesty with which you share your feelings, emotions, and then very profound teachings is commendable!

    “4. I miss him so much physically! I’d give anything to be in isolation with him and Martin right now”

    Oh Connie, I’d do anything if I could make that happen for you.

    “5. I have to go with the flow if I want to have a happy life. I have to take Andrew’s lead and decide to be happy no matter what. If I want to honor him and make him proud that is what I have to do. He taught me that much!”

    Just speechless at your strength and wisdom and honesty. I love you….and really respect you.

  4. Anna Taylor says:

    Wow Effortless is such a perfect word! Thank you, Andrew! Thank you for sharing Connie. I haven’t been here for a couple of days but know I’m always thinking about you. I saw Jude yesterday and told her about Andrew. I hope it’s OK to give her your address.

    Lots of love,

    Anna xxx

  5. Leah Clark says:

    Wow – I love that… “effortlessly”… money flows, effortlessly… well-being flows, effortlessly… life is good, effortlessly… coming here never fails to make me feel better.

    I can’t wait to see how the pendants turn out, especially knowing Colleen’s gift. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been – you just keep inspiring me, Connie love. kiss kiss kiss…

  6. Sue says:

    Wow…. Effortless. I’d been offline for the holidays and decided to catch up with Andrew. Andrew has such wisdom and perspective….

    Thanks, Andrew. And thank you, Connie and Martin and Elatia for sharing the marvelous consciousness who grew up in your family. Kids aren’t kids and bodies are just the giftwrapping–the inner wisdom is breathtaking.

    Thank you so much for sharing Andrew with us on what has got to be such a difficult journey for you.

    Love & light

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