No matter where I look there just aren’t any to be found!

My heart is filled w/so much gratitude!! YOu have honored my Son, my Prince, in such a beautiful way. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

As you can imagine things are hectic. People are arriving so there’s airport runs and just all kinds of things to do to prepare for Andrew’s celebration on Sat. It is bittersweet because I get to see him again but it will be for the last time physically. :( :( I don’t know how I will handle it. I want to handle it with the same courage and grace Andrew has shown me and all of us.

When Martin and I are alone we have such a great time w/Andrew! He teaches us, he loves us, he makes us laugh! My heart gets a reprieve from the constant ache & feels good. I told Andrew to be patient w/me. Like he wouldn’t be anyway. ;) I gave him this analogy. I said “You know how you needed platelets a lot due to the fever eating them up? Well I need a lot “Mucklets” due to the grief! My grief burns them up” He thought that was a cute way of putting it. Of course he said “Anything for you Pretty Mama!” :D :D

Before we picked up Martin’s cuz and sis last night we stopped by the hospital to say good bye to the night staff. Elatia & Denise went w/me. I adorned my blue pass I’ve had since July. I was nervous but then I felt Andrew beside me and he said “Stand tall mama, stand proud!” He talked to me to keep the focus on him because as we walked down the halls and passed the cat scan and MRI rooms I could feel anxiety building up remembering him being ill. The fear of losing him. Knowing that my worst fear was realized. But he was right by my side talkin me thru it.

Once we go to the 2nd floor I felt better. Everyone was so glad to see me. They gave me such big hugs! They miss ANdrew so much! Miss Weezy was fighting back the tears. Andrew loved her. She was always chatting to him while doing his vitals. Haffey his other vitals person said “You have some great stories I bet on his journey.” Her and I would always have great spiritual talks. It felt good talking about Andrew. I was able to tell a few people about his wonderful journey and the exciting things he’s doing.

I brought Megan, a girl who has been dealing w/a.l.l. leukemia for 6 yrs., 2 t-shirts we had recently made for ANdrew but he never got to wear. One was “dealing w/healing people! what are you looking at??” ANd the other is a pic of “The Muck” in bed with the IV poles and stuff and it sez “How do you think I feel??” :lol It is sooo Megan!

Then we went to the PICU to see if Julie was working and she was. His fav night nurse in the PICU. Walking to the PICU was like the Green Mile. :\ I really needed Andrew’s strength then. I called in and said This is Andrew’s mom is Julie in. I heard her say “It’s Andrew’s mom!” She said yes, she was working and did I want to come back. I said “No, I can’t come back there. Can she come out?” I felt myself starting to tremble at the very thought of going back there. Andrew telling me to breathe.

Julie came out and we had such a great chat w/her. She said we affected her in such a big way. She said after over 20 yrs she doesn’t allow herself to get close but she couldn’t help it with us. :D :D :D It’s what we do! :D :D :D We discussed the impact Andrew had on the entire hospital. I explained that the leukemia was gift to Martin and I so we would have all this time with him before he went. That it was his time and he was going regardless. We were grateful that is wasn’t a sudden accident. I wouldn’t have survived that. Plus by being willing to go thru what he did he was able to effect so many people in such a positive way in a short amount of time. I am in awe of his incredible courage.

I did actually sleep last night!!! :dog For about 6 hrs.! :hula AND I actually ate something this a.m. AND I don’t feel nauseas!! PROGRESS! My heart doesn’t ache right now! It feels good. I am trying to remember what Andrew is teaching me, “focus on who I am now! See me the way I am now! Remember me NOW!” He looks so handsome! He is beautiful and so regal! A true Prince!

We are planning a trip to N. Ireland soon. Andrew has been wanting to go. He talked about it a lot in the PICU. ANd Martin needs to be with his family after all this. And I think his family needs him to help heal their grief! SO you guys buying us a drink will help us accomplish that!  I think the addy for that is or .com if that doesn’t work or I will look and see if I got it write. An ATP friend set that up for people to donate. We have received so much support! t sez a lot about our ANdrew!

Martin’s mother is so distraught! SHe just adored Andrew! Plus we need to decompress. SO we are bringing some of Andrew’s ashes to spread by his Aunt Julie’s house his fav place to be when we went. Elatia will be going as well to be there for spreading some of his ashes. She needs to be apart of the final leg of this part of the journey. People are talking about wanting some of his ashes. Andrew’s response?? “I should’ve eaten more!!” :lol :lol :lol

I do have so many wonderful stories to tell. But when all has settled down so be patient! It will be worth the wait! :D

IT’S ALL GOOD!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D THANK YOU FOR BEING MY SON MUCK! Magickal Blessings!

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  1. Leah Clark says:

    Connie – I think it’s just that your big girl panties are such a part of you that they’re always on! Thank YOU for your courage and your willingness to share this journey with us. My life will never be the same since getting to know your family (again). Lots of love to all of you…

  2. Swati says:

    Yayyy!! We get to hear from you again! Never have I been as active a stalker as I am being now. LOL!! I love you Connie, Martin!! And I love Andrew so much. How strange to love a child so much when I have never even met him. For that matter I have never met you either. But at least I have communicated with you. Andrew…I have never communicated with either. Yet I love him so much. And as you can see, its not just me. So many others who have never met him adore him so much.

    I have taken his crossing over…no I should call it ascension too..that feels better…I have taken it very badly. Can’t imagine if I am taking it so badly what you and Martin must go through each day. Yet, reading things you write has provided a LOT of healing….mostly because it gives such tangible proof that he lives!

    I wait eagerly to read everything you have to say about him…the good, and the sad. It doesn’t matter, as long as you talk about Andrew :-). It is healing…very healing to read about him.


  3. Karen T. says:

    Connie, I just gasped when reading that the leaukemia was a gift for you and Martin. What a beautiful way to look at this whole thing! I will second the above comments and say that I can’t thank you enough for sharing this journey. I too, will never be the same! I only met Andrew briefly the one time at your 4-G’s show, but I love the heck out of him regardless because of what you shared of him on the 1st part of this journey and getting to know who he was…an Earth angel! I can see that there is so much more to come! I come here daily or at least every other. I cried as if I’d known him my whole life once his ascension kicked in for me…it was too shocking to cry at first. Now reading the blog for this next part of the journey has helped me not to cry so many sad tears, but beautiful, healing ones. You and Martin must’ve done something right…you are both so blessed! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Love, peace and continued healing to you both.

  4. Karen T. says:

    Oh, and I agree with Leah…you are always wearing big girl panties. I told my cousin’s wife Patti, that you are one of the strongest women I know!

    That comes with love and great respect!

  5. Kali Robinson says:

    LOVE and HUGS and MASSES and MASSES of sparkly pink glitter fairy majik is pouring forth from me to you Connie. you are truely inspirational. you and martin are both absolute legends (and is Andrew) and your honest and heartfelt sharing has me going from laughter to tears back to laughter again. like Swati, *waves at Swati* i hang out for your next instalment, thank you thank you again for sharing.

    up till now i had NO idea about what ‘wearing your big girl panties’ meant until now. thank Karen T :) NOW i get it *kali’s a bit slow on the ol’ uptake these days*

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