Spinal Tap

Today we got good news about Andrew’s LP, lumbar puncture, spinal tap for any of you newbies to this. It was clear and the Dr came in personally to tell Andrew, she was excited! :hula  So that is a great sign!!!

I had Oprah on today, gots to have my dose of Oprah, and the topic was about being happy. I asked ANdrew if he was happy and he still sez YES! So I had to re-evaluate my thinking. It’s easy to be happy when things are going well. It’s when things get tough and still being happy is the real challenge. A challenge my son has down to a tee!! He is the one getting needles in his back, chemo that makes him throw up, loss of appetite ect. ect. and he is STILL HAPPY! How can I not be happy then? That is the vibration we need to stay at in order for him to heal. And if we can be happy during all of this then we can be happy thru anything!!!

I need to stay focused on all the amazing wonderful things that happen to us like Martin, Andrew and I laughing together last night at Andrew’s Michael Jackson impersonation. :rollin It still makes me laugh whe I think about it.

All the special moments we have shared singing to & w/ Andrew. Some people will never feel the closeness we share even in hospital dealing with what we have been dealing with. Or my son smiling as my sister massages his feet and back. Or having family constantly asking what do we need. Or having friends taking care of your house for weeks on end & feeding your pets and loving a weiner dog who needs constant attention. Or having a hairdresser that makes clown house calls!!Or having amazing friends that do the hardest job of all this and taking our beloved older, dying dog to be put to sleep. A big burden they lifted from us! The countless of prayer chains and people around the world praying for our Andrew’s healing. Or the fact that Martin’s and my relationship is even stronger while going thru this. Marriages have crumbled at less. And I would know, I had 2 that did! :D Or all the people tonight who were at the Irish Rover showing how much they loved us. Or the new myspace friend that writes, sings and records a beautiful song just for our son. All the people here on healive.org that stop by to lend their support. All the amazing Light Workers from around the world on the Angel Therapy board that have been a life line for me. SO really, what is there not to be happy about?? :D We are pretty darned blessed!

This journey is a roller coaster ride of emotions w/o a doubt. A ride I would like off of now with my healthy son. I really do want to stay in the state of happiness. If my son can how can I not??

We did contact a clinic in Tiajuana, Mexico today. I mean, when the doctors here say that they don’t know what they will do if he doesn’t go into remission after this 2nd round??? Oh Yea, we have to have a back up plan. It’s when you hear things like that it gets hard to stay happy. But we do know we don’t have to accept this. He IS in remission! There is no other option other than remission!! SO IT IS!

Magickal Blessings!

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