He said he felt better today than yesterday if that was possible! He did really well in the car, no problems w/car sickness at all. He felt great the whole day! I forgot to tell you what Jan, the owner of Lemuria said to him yesterday, I mean Sat. She said in the calmest voice “All I see around you my friend is complete wellness!!” That was worth a doggie and a hula!!
I picked up his 2 best friends, CJ & Cory, and took them to the video game store and I went to the book store. YUP! I let him go on his own! He had such a great time w/his friends. I love how they are with him. Andrew said he forgets all about the leukemia stuff and feels like he use to when he is with them. They ask how he is, they briefly discuss it then move onto reg teenage guy stuff! I think that is the best medicine of all!!!
I took them to Longhorn Steak house to get food to go. We were suppose to eat there and Elatia even set up a table for us in her section. Yes, she does work there. Awwwww and we didn’t show!! I felt so bad. Martin didn’t want to go out, he was tired and he figured he’d stay w/ Merlin, our spastic weiner dog, who is beside himself with us gone! I came home and he had the doggie carrier on like a good daddy!
So we sat at the bar, Elaita tends it, and had an appetizer while waiting for our order. It was so great to see Andrew out w/his friends in public hanging out! It felt soooo normal!! We like that! :-) Starting to appreciate normal! That word is not one that is usually used around us! LOL
The boys went into Andrew’s room to talk more about his computer and what games to get for it. ANdrew feels like his old self and he just loves that. I think that’s why he felt even better today!
Without even thinking Andrew said, “Yea, I’m looking forward to going back to the hotel and resting!! I’m tired” We all were tired. Twice he called the hospital a hotel. We had to point it out to him. He didn’t realize he had done that. Interesting huh? I know he gets room service and just asks for what he needs from the nurses. SO I guess they would be the concierage (sp?) So I’m thinking we just might stick to that!!
His weight tonight???? DRUM ROLL PLEEEEASE!…….54.7 The highest it’s been since he started losing. He’s gained about 1/2 of it back! Woot Woot!!
People who have been off for awhile saw Andrew tonight and nearly fainted!! Miss Weezie, who does his vitals, was Thank you-ing Jesus all over the place!! She is so much fun! Someone from the PICU who hasn’t seen him since then was estatic & shocked!! I love! it! love it! love it!!
We’ve just had such a wonderful few weeks! Pretty easy except for the intestinal bleed. But we got that cleared up quick. We’re back to the grind of treatment later today. I KNOW this time will be even easier w/MORE fantastic results!! Looking forward to the book “Astonishing Power of Emotions” by Ester & Jerry Hicks to keep me in check!!
We are so grateful for all of you!!! GROUP (((((HUG))))))