Martin had a client today that needed some heavy duty healing and energy cleansing. This client let a lot of crap build up physically and energetically. That’s right up Andrew’s, well, PureHeart’s street. Martin didn’t really know how intensive it was gonna be, but he doesn’t need to know, all he has to do is show up and he always does.

As Martin was talking to his client, he notices it is PureHeart that is going to be doing the work. Pureheart was wearing white pants that tied at his waist, a white t-shirt w/John Lennon’s self portrait outlined on it in black and a white robe. From his robe pocket he takes out this 7-8 inch crystal wand and begins to wand the client 4 inches above their body. Martin was amazed at what he saw PureHeart clearing from this client as he chatted with them. All this dark, negative energy was being drawn out of their body. Martin can’t believe how much PureHeart is pulling out of this person with just this 7-8 inch crystal wand. When PureHeart was done, Martin asked him how the heck he got all that yuck energy in that small wand. PureHeart, with that signature big smile of his, takes the wand and spins it like a gun and puts it back in his robe like a holster and said “Size doesn’t matter Daddy!” Martin got a laugh at that one. They make a great healing team!

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  1. kerri thompson says:

    funny i should get on here and see ur topic. the thing is i have been trying to figure out how to phrase a question to u and i sign on here and its like u knew and are talking about the very topic i have a question about. wow, u r good. this may sound stupid, but how does someone know they need healing or work done? or maybe a more apt question would be how do u know u can get it or fix it? i have to admit u guys truly intrique me. i want to learn more. this is why i read. i was going to say as much as i can, but thats not exactly true. i pay attention and try to learn. i have an attention problem. going deep into something can be a challenge. and, if u hadnt already noticed, staying in on place is hard too. i wonder from subject to subject. so, i look on ur sites and i see ur husband and son work and have different types of services. which all comes back to how do u know what to get, or even if there is a getting that is???
    by the way, i love ur way of writing and thoroughly enjoy reading what u write. thanks for sharing. i am sure it is a help to u, but i find so much it is a help to me and i have a life no way near what urs is. so thanks for sharing ur gift.

  2. admin says:

    Hi Kerri!

    Thanks for still coming here and reading, I really didn’t know if anyone was reading this anymore so I’m glad to see there is. ;-) The healing I wrote about here is someone that we met thru our store and has experienced several different sessions with Martin. He’s done hypnotherapy w/them which did help them quit smoking and drop a lot of weight. They had a number of readings thru the years. They have had a lot of trauma go on which lead to serious health issues, so they wanted help with that. While PureHeart did the healing, Martin I believe was doing a reading & some hypnosis as well. He’s a good multi tasker like that, ;-)

    Martin and PureHeart have a client in Australia that said PH helped heal the brain tumor she had. She is dealing with epilepsy now so we’ll see what happens with that. I believe the Dr’s told her she wouldn’t get rid of the tumor.

    I know Leah is very familiar w/PH’s work. She has had profound healings with him all on her own. I have blogged about them here.

    I also know that when Martin does readings that he also does energy work on the person he is reading for.

    So think about it, maybe even ask Leah because she’s had readings with Martin.

    Thanks for coming here and reading!

  3. kerri thompson says:

    of course i read u!!! u r about the only blog i read, kinda sad to say cos my friends have blogs and i forget to read them all the time. bad me! so i looked over what i wrote and thought of another way of asking my question. when looking on here at the readings etc. and the different prices, how does one know which one to pick? i mean i have to do a lil saving to make an appointment so i am trying to plan which is something i totally suck at. lol.
    this morning i couldnt sleep. i spent hours reading ur blog. u r an amazing woman! so strong and positive. i am almost without words to express how highly i think of u and how much i like ur writing. my next check i am ordering ur book!! i got scared that u wrote today on fb talking bout moving. i am going to try to save fast to make an appt. sorry to ask u the questions, but u r so easy to write to. lol. u have made a positive impact in my life and i thank u for that. hope i dont sound like a stalker. lmao.

  4. admin says:

    I am so glad that the blog has helped. It makes this extremely hard, devastating really, journey a little lighter knowing others have been helped or inspired by it. It doesn’t always feel like it’s all for nothing knowing that. Of course I understand that it’s not all for nothing, but sometimes it just feels that way.

    The more expensive readings are actually a regression or healing work because they are about 75-90 mins long.

    I’m in the market for a new stalker since Swati faded away & so did Leah. :-D It takes a lot of work & commitment to be a stalker, it’s hard to keep it up for a long time! ;-) I am that much of an attention whore! LOL

  5. admin says:

    BTW we aren’t moving anywhere anytime soon. Eventually we’d like to spend 5 mo of the yr in Ireland w/family

  6. Karen T says:

    I love Pure Heart!

    And I love the mental pictures I get of Martin’s face when he pulls a zinger like that on him. LOL

  7. admin says:

    I know right Karen? I try to paint the picture vividly so people can really feel like they are there watching it.

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