
P.M.P=PureHeart Method Practitioner

While we were in Ft Lauderdale doing a few mediumship events and an Angel Workshop, people were asking for a certification course. I was going to refer it to someone else, because I really didn’t want to do an Angel certification course. There’s a lot of them out there, so I wasn’t interested in doing another one.

As I was waking up the following morning after our Angel Workshop thinking about who to refer this class to, I heard Andrew, “Don’t refer it out, me, you and Daddy do it.” So I argue with my Avatar son, and told him I didn’t want to do an Angel certification course. He then says to me, “Do a PureHeart Method Practitioner certification course then!” Then Andrew started flooding my pretty little head with all these ideas for the class.

Martin wasn’t up yet, and I was getting excited about the idea of this class. I couldn’t wait for him to wake up so I could tell him what Andrew and I were discussing. Martin finally wakes up and I tell him what Andrew and I were discussing. Martin LOVED the idea! But you know Andrew and Martin had to take it to a “guy” level. They just had to “guy” it up! Andrew tells Martin a whole other side of this certification course. Andrew tells Martin that the initials for the PureHeart Method course could be PIMP if we added intuitive to it. Then at the end of the course we could ceremoniously give the students a Huggy Bear type pimp hat, cape & cane with a quartz crystal on it. OMG! They were laughing so hard at this! Martin said Andrew was doubled over laughing…WITH the pimp hat on! Ok, that made me laugh too.

Eventually we got down to business, but laughter is ALWAYS the first order of business. It’s the only way to do business in our book. Having said that, I knew I wanted this class to be profound and life changing. We decided to make it 3 days because most people aren’t able to take more time off like they use to do. I told Martin that the 1st day we should end the class with a soul calling meditation. In order to heal, we need to call back those pieces that may have left during traumatic times in our lives. Doing this the 1st night gives them a few days in a safe environment to integrate and deal with the emotions that may come with that.

The 2nd day the class will end with a past life regression meditation to get a gift from that life time that they can use this life time. Also P.L.R. can bring up other issues that need to be healed, so having the next day in a safe environment to process emotions is good again.

The 3rd day we end the class with a PureHeart attunement with a PureHeart oil, that will help align their chakras and to open up all the clairs to connect to Spirit. PureHeart’s energy will be used for this, so it will do what it needs to do for each person individually.

Then we would like to have the Only Love Is Real Concert & a sing a long before everyone has to leave. I think that would be the perfect end to a powerful weekend. Music is so healing and will anchor within them all they learned the past 3 days.

What we will be doing during those 3 intensive days is a lot of hands on exercises in building and strengthening your psychic muscles. We are coming across a lot of people that are very psychic but don’t know what to do with it. This class will help with that. We will definitely be discussing working with the Angels, Ascended Masters, the psychic children, Elementals and more. We’ll work on how to see energy too, just loads of stuff!

When we came home we got right to work on this class and we found all this information from past classes we’ve taught that we can use. So the class is pretty much together. As soon as we can get a venue, we will have it! The price will be $444. You’ll get a meditation CD and my 1st book “So, These Two Dead Guys Walked Into A Bar” to keep the mood light when it gets intense. You can just open my book and read a funny story. It’s kind of like an oracle book of funny.

I’ll keep you posted as things come along. Just think, after 3 days you can be a P.i.M.P! Yeah, I’m not feelin the “I” in this!


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2 Responses to P.M.P.

  1. Martso says:

    Hey babe

    Great writing as usual. I will share it an tweet it..

    Love you loads


  2. admin says:

    Is it great because you’re in it? LOL

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