I know I’m grasping at straws here but I’m doing everything I can to stay positive and focused our our new relationship with Andrew. So work with me!

We have a busy weekend ahead starting with tonight. I am kinda liking it, having stuff to do. There’s only so much I can write about you know?? Getting out with other people for a short while mind you, helps take my mind off things. I don’t like being away from home for a long time tho. And yet we’re going to Ireland for 2 1/2 weeks on Wed., go figure.

Tomorrow Elatia and I have a date for a pedicure and lunch. I look forward to that. Then tomorrow night we go to Colleen and David’s to work on the crystal pendants for Andrew’s ashes. Hmmmm that might be hard.

Sunday we have a brunch in which we usually get to play with the muggles. *jumps up and down with glee!* Should be a really fun this time! Denise, Colleen and David are going too.

And what did we do tonight?? We went to the comedy club where I got my start in comedy. Lori got 8 free tickets for her 40th birthday so we went to go see the Disgruntled Clown. Have you ever seen a 6ft 5in 300 lb disgruntled clown?? He ain’t purdy but he was funny, I have never seen a bad headliner there.

SO what is the upside, you didn’t think I’d ever get to it did you?? :-D The upside is that Andrew gets to go EVERY where with us now!! And he enjoyed the Disgruntled Clown! The MC he thought was inappropriate for him yet the fowl mouth, drunk clown was not! Go Figure! And what else did Andrew say?? He was all pleased with himself because he got to the comedy club BEFORE CJ!! CJ turns 18 Dec 1st, and Andrew is 16!! He was like “Ha Ha Ha nanny nanny boo boo I got there before you do” That doesn’t sound very Avatar like to me! LMAO!

Lori, if you’re reading this, feel free to pass on the message to CJ :-D

So yea, it would appear Andrew is really enjoying the perks of his new position in life!! And one of these days I will too! At the very least enjoy his new position in life. Hopefully soon. I am working on it so very hard, believe me!

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6 Responses to ON THE UPSIDE!

  1. Joanie Light says:

    Girl’s day out!! Manicure/pedicure! Sounds wonderful. Have fun! Say….just occurred to me….wouldn’t Andrew have some insight on when Elatia will be making you a Gramma?

  2. admin says:

    Well, there has been some buzz about all that. Apparently we’ll get news sometime next year maybe. Shhhhhh u didn’t hear it here! This will be invisible for Elatia to read!

  3. Karen T. says:

    I thought of you just about all day today…meaning Friday. I wondered how Thanksgiving was. Just got to read about it and am sad that the fam didn’t see things better than they did. Anyway, I thought about you all day for two reasons…I finally found the green band with Andrew’s name on it in the couch where Aly lost it and I’m wearing it full time again : ) and it’s the holidays and I love this time of year with my family and kids especially, and my heart was just aching for you as a Mama at this time of year and going through this part of the journey you are on with Andrew. I imagine that you are all over the board at times feeling grief, then pride, then a lost feeling, then joy, etc. What a courageous woman you are to share the things you do. I’ll say it again…I am so glad I met you. Much love and respect, tons of hugs and wishes for more of the joy to fill your heart up so that there’s not much room for anything else!

  4. Swati says:

    I have to second what Karen has to say…what a brave woman you are! And this time I am not saying it only because you are facing this so bravely trying to find something good in every situation, trying to see things from your Higher Self’s perspective, but also because you are not afraid to share your tears with the world. You share when you cry…and you share when you laugh…you’re awesome!

    Have a great day tomorrow with Elatia!!

    Hugs as always,

  5. Nancy says:

    Hi Connie.

    Just wanted to know I think about you and how hard it must be on a physical level for your mama genes. I hug my 19 year old son extra hard when he comes home from college.

    I am sure it must feel like an emotional roller coaster. It is amazing and wonderful eveything Andrew is sharing from the other side. But, you must just seeing him, hugging him .\, etc.

    Anyway, every time I think of you and Martin I send prayers and love your way.

    Sending extra right now.

    Enjoy your pedicure! Sounds like a great time for a little Mama pampering!


  6. Lori M Wagoner-Piekarz says:

    In true CJ form he states “Bastard!”

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