SO I gave you your fix in the last post. Not sure if we will have internet access in Kona. If we have to pay for it I won’t be on much until we get back to Laguna and I don’t know how up to writing I will be since we will only be here a day before we leave. We will only have one computer to fight over in Kona as well.

We have to leave around 5:30am for L.A. Wednesday morning and even at that time in the morning L.A. traffic can suck! Our flight is at 9am out of LAX but we have to return our rental car first. Not looking forward to that!
I’m hoping we have as good a time as we did in Palm Springs. Palm Springs ROCKED! I definitely felt like a rock star there! Thank you Tammy for making it possible! We had amazing rooms, amazing weather, and amazing company! It really fed my soul!
So hang in there and I will try to get on when I can while in Kona. ;-)


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  1. Lord Horus says:

    Anyone ever notice that LAX sounds like your talking about a Laxative?… Dunno maybe just me.. I just think People should think before they start naming things.. Dont know how many restaurants I’ve avoided just because of the name.. LOL

    Anyway, I’m sure you guys will feel like Rockstars again.. you’ll be DOREEN STARS.. YAY!!.. LOL… Gotta give me credit for trying Connie..

    Looking forward to seeing you guys when you return… Have fun while you are there..

    Its all Good.

  2. Leah Clark says:

    Wow, that sounds so LAXurious… hahaha… good thing I amuse myself!

    Wish I could be there to see you ROCK IN KONAAAAA!!!!

  3. Dana says:

    Oh man….MORE patience on my part?!?! It ain’t gonna happen! *sticks tongue out*

  4. Swati says:

    I hope internet is free there…would love to get news from you about whats happening there!

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