This book has been really hard to pull together, I won’t go into details, just know it has been VERY stressful! Dead lines missed, things thrown at us at the last minute, etc. I’m still not sure if all of this has been worth the aggravation and heart ache to get this book out. Living it the first time was more than enough for me! I didn’t need to do it again. So it is my hope that you will support us and buy the book. I believe there are many blessings awaiting those that read the book. There is definitely many layers to this story. I think people will get different things from reading it, and touch them in different ways.

We gave the manuscript to Jeremy to read since he has done a bit of writing, and was an outside eye. Martin and I needed an outside opinion because we had gone over it too many times and were just burned out on it. Here’s what he had to say…

“Even though I know this story, when reading it, it takes on a whole new energy. There were parts I didn’t even want to relive, so I didnt read those, but on the whole this is a truly inspiring story that just envelops you with love while you are reading it. This book could go viral if given the right platform. You guys need a bigger publisher. I can’t even imagine what it’s like for you two. I truly cant, but I do NOT believe it was for nothing. I DO believe it will be worth it. If this book gets in the hands of the right people it will be unstoppable. Chicken Soup wont have crackers on this book when it gets out there.” Jeremy Davis

So what are you waiting for? Here is the link where you can order the book! I believe there is still 23 bonuses available for ordering. The url is www.pureheartspace.com the link below will take you there.


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