I know the better way to say that is to use the word Courage but No Fear gets the point across better. Oh and it rhymes too! Bonus! Nothing rhymes with courage that would make sense anyways.
Martin said since Andrew’s ascension he has no fear. I have to agree. What’s the worst that could happen now? We could die?? Oh Boo Hoo!! Like we’re even worried about that one anymore! You know my feelings on that one!
One day Andrew’s OT, Adele, wrote on his white board, NO Fear Zone and Andrew corrected it and had us write Courage Zone! The boy knows his stuff!
I got to thinking about how many of us make decisions based on fear. That’s what the movie “Defending Your Life” with Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep was about. He gets killed by a bus and has his life review. What he had to face was how many things he didn’t do out of fear, how he lived most of his life in fear.
I talked to a woman in Ireland who had a breast tumor removed, cat scan was clear and opted for the chemo out of fear. Kinda like the Dr.s Elatia had that wanted to treat her rare tumor as an aggressive form of ovarian cancer out of fear. Even tho her catscan was clear. If we had bought into that fear, she would be one sick woman still in recovery with more of her female organs gone and no hope of having children.
How many of us stay in horrible relationships out of fear? Way too many I know of have done that through out my whole life. It’s hard to watch.
You can use fear to your advantage. Oh yes I said it! You can use fear to your advantage! For me, I was too afraid not to heal my crap! Sitting in it was a lot more scarier to me than healing it. I’m afraid if I don’t heal what I need to I may have to come back to get it right!! EEK! SO I use fear in a positive way, to keep myself on track & not sitting in my shit!
Andrew was a perfect example of courage. Everything he went through, he did with more courage, grace and dignity than anyone I’ve ever met!
SO when starting off this year, decide to make decisions out of courage and not fear. Let courage be your guide!
[quote]decide to make decisions out of courage and not fear. Let courage be your guide![/quote]
Perfect words to start the new year with.
“Defending Your Life”? Ok, I’ll get that movie and watch…sounds like the kind of a movie I will like.
Thanks Swati!
We had that movie at one ATP when they tried movie night a few times.
Thank you Connie… Perfect and timely!
Perfectly presented! Thanks!
Ahh Swati my love! Ya gotta see “Defending Your Life”, it’s way too funny. Especially when the main character (forget his name) goes to the “Past Life Pavilion” for a few life reviews…LOL! ;-)
I loved that movie… gotta break it out again! Especially with my new outlook! And I’m with you about No Fear for the New Year! YEAH!!! My sister said once that fear can be either a great motivator or a great constipator! LOL!
*quote*decide to make decisions out of courage and not fear. Let courage be your guide!*quote*
Another one chiming in on how perfect this sentiment is for 2008! I am desiring a move outta state! I was born and raised here! So yeah – there’s a bit of a fear factor there! Nonetheless – no matter what we are desiring to manifest – getting fear outta the equation is most wise!
Thanks Connie!
Thank you Connie!!!! An awesome blog for the New Year
I too will have to check out the movie
Where are you? Why no post on the subject you said you’d post about? Are you ok? When you are quiet…its not good. Thats the same I say about my kids too ;). So my kids and you better be making noise because I don’t know what you guys are up to when quiet. Come back here!
I had to handle a little business today to get it out of my way. Old business I wasn’t up to handling before today. BUT will be back tonight with the freaky deaky stuff! I promise! :-D
Ok, as long as you are not sad or upset…and pouting all alone without telling us… :).
Well I was doing that earlier! I was laying in Andrew’s bed under the covers not wanting to get up. But then Wesley rang the bell and I had to get up and that’s when I took care of bidness!
Wooohoo for Wesley!! He should move in with you!
LOL I think he has! LOL ALtho he left late afternoon to never return today. But Denise took his place. :-)