I had an interesting night Wednesday night. I begrudgingly went to the once a month Women With Moxie networking meeting for business women because Denise harassed me into going. She says Andrew was pushing her to have me go. Yea whateva! Blame it on the kid.
I’m not one for walking around and mingling to try and promote myself. I haven’t been up to it lately to even pretend. Usually I sit at a table and the more outgoing women come up and talk to me. That works really well for me because it seems that the right women always talk to me. When I try to step out of my comfort zone, I get the crazies. I admire the women that can just go up and talk to everybody. Andrew had that gift before public school beat it out of him. He had no fear of talking to everyone he came in contact with. According to him they were ALL his best friends.
I was looking to book it out of there early. I’d stay for a bit to make Denise happy then leave. Between American Idol being on *doing happy dance* and Oprah’s live Spirituality webcast with Michael Beckwith, Ed Bacon, and Elizabeth Lesser, my dance card was full Wed. night.
So Denise and I get a high top table, it helps with visibilty, as in us being seen, so the dance can begin. :-) The first woman that comes by our table turns out to be very cool and made my night very special. It was her first time going to WWM. I explained what we did and talking about Andrew made her cry. I knew that for her to be brought to tears that Andrew had touched her heart and there must be some kind of connection with her. I was curious to see why we really met. It was soon revealed.
I went on to explain about Andrew’s visitation by John Denver, (she too was a huge JD fan), when he was in the PICU. When I got to the part about Andrew reminding me that JD didn’t give autographs so he wrote him a song, she interjects, “I got John Denver’s autograph!” She went on to explain how it happened. I don’t want to screw up her story, but here it goes as best I can. She was 17 and had her bus driver’s license out of necessity, there was town troubles with segregation or something and drivers were desperately needed I believe. John was in town and she stood in line and said to the person there, “I am a Toledo Ohio Hard Woman and I want John’s autograph!!” Well, that got John’s attention and sure enough he came over and signed the back of her bus driver’s license!
Soooooo she is going to scan it and e-mail it to us then I am going to frame it and hang it on Andrew’s wall under his John Lennon gold record and pic. What a great present for Andrew! I don’t think that will be the last I see of her. A few other women came by and we had pleasant conversation that I enjoyed, they were on the ball.
Another woman towards the end of the night came by and has been looking for a psychic to get a reading, teaching, and loves the psychic party idea. Hmmmm do I have a psychic for her or what??? ;-) So tonight was well worth it and I’m grateful Denise (& Andrew) insisted I go. :-)
I finished this at 12:22. When I watched American Idol I got my wee message from Andrew from a geeky contestant named Andrew who had these awful cheerleaders. When he walked away Ryan Seacrest said “So he left with Team Andrew..” I think it was a joke from Andrew about my “Team Jordan” thing.
BTW Wes is here this weekend till Monday so I won’t have much access to the computer. When we came home last night after meeting up with Cory, CJ’s gf Chris, Lori, (the boys’ mother) and Cameron for sushi, our front door flies open! For a split second it felt like Andrew was home greeting us. He would sometimes do that to us when we came home. It was good to feel that again, even if it was for just a split second. But instead it was Wes who found his way into our house again. It was a nice surprise. I should really give him a key. :-D
Isn’t the forward momentum a wonderful thing! I feel it for you and affirm, affirm, affirm!
It’s always amazing to me what comes through when we’re open to it. Very cool, Connie!!!
[quote]When we came home last night after meeting up with Cory, CJ’s gf Chris, Lori, (the boys’ mother) and Cameron for sushi, our front door flies open! For a split second it felt like Andrew was home greeting us. He would sometimes do that to us when we came home. It was good to feel that again, even if it was for just a split second. But instead it was Wes who found his way into our house again. It was a nice surprise. I should really give him a key.[/quote]
LOVED that! Anytime Wes does something like that, it makes me feel very happy for you. Almost feels like Andrew nudges him to do things he used to do. You know…kind of like how he messes up with Martin and food?