Here’s is the info for those interested in the class.

Date: Sat. Jan 12,2008 6 week course
Time: 4-6p.m. EST

Cost: $349

You can pay through PayPal, the e-mail addy for that is [email protected]

Or you can call 941-926-7522 to pay by MC or Visa

Martin, Andrew and I will be teaching the teleclass. Ok, mostly Martin and Andrew but I will be in on the class.

Martin is offering his meditation cds for down load with the class. There will be homework and exercises.

If you would like more info please feel free to either e-mail Martin at: [email protected] or leave any questions on the forum.

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  1. Denise says:

    OHHH I can’t wait !!!

    This is going to be such an awesome and very special class with the three of you doing it

  2. Swati says:

    Absolutely Denise…couldn’t agree more with you. This will be an absolutely SMASHING class!

  3. Karen T. says:

    Just wondering if it will be on archive so that those of us who work those hours can still take the class. So very interested in doing so.

  4. admin says:

    yes they sure will be Karen.

  5. Dana says:

    Can’t wait!

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