Martin puts a lot of TLC into this site. He is always working on it trying to make it better, fixing quirks, adding new features etc. He even couldn’t log in, in order to have Andrew answer questions. It’s a nightmare trying to make this site Internet Explorer friendly. Internet Explorer is a NIGHTMARE! It sucks as a browser! Yet Martin works so hard on it in between his other work that he does. He is a web developer and he sees clients for readings. That is why some things have taken some time to rectify.

Now, those who want to read the 3 chapters we have for the proposal, need to let me know. It’s not open to the public. I have to let Martin now who to put on the list to have access to it. It’s in the down load section on this site under word document. I have put the regulars who post almost everyday here on the list. People who have supported us from day 1 of Andrew’s diagnosis and never faded away. If you can’t find the download let me know. I want to thank all of you for sticking with us through EVERYTHING and continuing to lend your love and support!


P.S. Martin is working on getting our store set up with our wares like his meditations, e-books, my perfume, my book, also as an e-book, and my polymer clay designs. Right now it’s just garden ware there because that’s the template for the shopping cart. SO don’t be trying to order a hammer or shovel, we ain’t got it! lol

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  1. Joanie Light says:

    I would love to read the proposal although I was a blubbering mess just reading what you’ve posted here. Blessings, Joanie

  2. Swati says:

    Me! :-D

    And I can’t find the download button for the OBE meditation…

    And YES! MARTIN ROCKS!!!! He truly truly does!!

  3. admin says:

    I will tell Martin to add you Joanie.

    I will ck in the downloads and see what the dealio is Swati. Leah and Denise got it ok. I’ll see if there’s some kind of password or if you have to “be on the list” :-)

  4. Tammy says:

    Ok, I just went to Internet Explorer….& the meditation was there for the OBE…I was able to click on it & answer I agree…..don’t agree, but since I have already downloaded it :::::::doing happy dance::::::::::from aol, I didn’t go all the way with it. I was successful in downloading it!!! Again happy dance… I have a quick story.. last night Daniel & I said a little prayer & he said alot of it, asking for financial assistance so that he doesn’t worry about his Mom being so stressed. He asked the Goddess & God and everybody except Andrew, so toward the end I was like Daniel, don’t forget to tell Andrew, he wants to help to!! I think he was scared to ask Andrew or even talk about it because he still abit sensitive, anyway, he told Andrew thanks for helping us that one weekend and could he do that on a much grander scale? He said remember when I asked for snow in Texas…(& he got it 7 yrs ago) Like that he when he was done, I said a little prayer & we turned the volume back on on the T.V. when Daniel says Mom Andrew is talking to me but I can barely hear him. So I told him to focus & “listen” stillw asn’t working & so I being the wise one that I am turned off the volume & Daniel says Awwww better…Andrew wanted to tell Daniel that he was going to our family to help us because God said that was the only way, I think Daniel actually said…God said no, so Andrew had to ask our family…..was that short enough??? ;0)
    night…Great job on the site MARTIN YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Karen T. says:

    You rock and you roll Martin!!

  6. Karen T. says:

    Oh yeah…I want to read too. Plus I can’t find the downloads for OBE. No clue where to look actually. Help a fellow dork out. LOL

  7. Jane says:

    Woot, Woot. The website is looking mighty fine Martin. Congrats.

  8. Dana says:

    Hey – I’m diggin’ the new look!

    I’d better be on that list Connie! ;)

    I have to search for the OBE meditation download. I’ll put it on my daughter’s laptop so I can sequester myself away for a meditation. Tis kind of hard dragging the conventional compy ’round the house for such things *grin*

  9. Janet says:

    ohhhhh im crushed im not authorized to get into downloads? i would love to read it connie please let me lol hope all is well love you

  10. Leila says:

    Thank you ((((Martin))))!!!! You’re the Best!!!! I LOOOVE the background & the whole look here– very pretty. AND I’m able to log in!!! :-)

    I also managed to find and down load the 3 chapters (yay me! LOL)
    I only made it to pg 19 last night…my lil eyes were closing..will finish tongiht when all my task are over. I must be a good faery today and work before play (that doesn’t sound very faery like fun to me!!!!! LOL)

    Love & gratitude


  11. admin says:

    Ask and you shall receive Janet and Tammy. I’m not sure how Martin has the downloads set up because it’s different for every download. Some of them are for the teleclasses only. Soooooo I will let Martin know Janet to put you on “the list.” I feel so studio 54! LOL

    NOW, if you are on the list for the 3 chapters I expect some form of feed back, hence the list, I know who to hound now! :-) I want to know if you find the book interesting or compelling, a must read, did you want more, any grammar mistakes etc.

    Tammy, you need to listen to our last show on blogtalk! It’s about what Andrew taught us about looking beyond the current physical manifestation and see the truth of what really is! Which is, you ARE abundant! You remember what Ester sez in The Secret about seeing what is and bringing more of what is and so on. Tamara has been doing so great staying focused and keeping her thoughts only on success that amazing things have been coming in for her. You know that.

    You know God/dess never sez no to abundance for anyone, it’s us that stands in our own way. Set up your money corner, it’s the far left hand corner of your place. In mine, I have a the Chinese frog w/coin, and ALL the carnelian I could find from our store, pictures of me doing what I want to do, our coin jar, stick some dollars in it. Whatever means abundance to you. Our $$ corner is Martin’s side of the bed. The first week we did it, we received an unexpected $750!

    When Martin and I were struggling financial in Venice FL back in early 2000, as a last ditch effort we bought some Feng Shui cards and our bed was in the wrong place, under the window with feet facing the door. Knowing what I know now I don’t know why it’s wrong for your dreams to go out the window….up to the Universe. But we moved our bed and that week came in and we were on our way to a 6 figure income for the next few years.

    The fact Daniel is worried and knows you are stressed, says where your energy is focused. What I do when I feel this kind of stress coming on, I go to my countless of books on prosperity that I have underlined & dog eared, and I open a book and sure enough there is something there underlined that helps me realign my focus on what I desire, & know my natural state IS abundance, no matter how things appear.

    It’s been hard for me to deal with the financial issues w/Andrew’s illness AND Andrew’s crossing all together. I was on overload with major trauma. BUT I have come through it and I’m able to do the exercises I need to, to effect change.

    Do the exercises/affirmations with Daniel everyday, watch The Secret, read the books or your fav line out of a book, make this something you do with Daniel so you both keep each other positive and he feels like he is helping to bring change. You are working on it together, it will be fun and help raise the vibration. Sit him down and you both come up with things for your corner, daily affirmations, a.m. & p.m., and have a crap load of fun with it! Time to work on a vision board or dust off the old ones. Get them out! Talk about your dreams. Martin and I talk about when our books become best sellers. We talk about all kinds of scenarios. 5 star hotels we will stay at, massages in the room before a sold out show in front of thousands, etc. You know we create self fulfilling prophecy’s all of the time, why not make them a kick ass one!?

    I like this affirmation from Catherine Ponder’s book (title later) This was written in the 1960’s and the stock market was down (shocking I know) A stock broker went into his office to get away from everyone bitching how they weren’t making money, couldn’t make money with the stock market being down, and said over and over again “Everything and everybody prospers me now.” What happened? His phone started ringing and he was the only one making money.

    *gets off soap box*

  12. Tammy says:

    I love your soap box…& for the most part you are right, but that has only been happening these past few days…when I haven’t paid my rent…& the options seemed non-existent; in my center I knew that no matter what happened it is the way that it is suppose to be. It wasn’t until he heard me talk to his Dad…where I NEED to make it drastic to get somewhere with him…he hasn’t paid child support since October!!! So I needed to “over” act, I tried too tell Daniel not to worry, but that wasn’t working, so I had to honor his feelings and give him an avenue on how to deal with it…but I was a bit stressed; because I was angry at being HERE again…I am on hold! Like my life; all my readings say it, my intuition says it & I went for a reading at Awakenings & she confirmed it…..but the wheel is turning…& the possibilities are endless…which I am pusuing, my reader said that she would be paying to come to my seminars!!!!!!! But I am only human & can let my fears come to far in b4 I can reign them in!!!! Hence why you are right for the most part, because I was also talking to my brother & Daniel heard me crying…….Thank you for your encouraging words!!!! Can you come home now??? Hehehehehe

  13. Pretty Mama says:

    Umm which home you talking about? Cause I’m ready for either one since Andrew left! I keep getting the New Location card in the fairy deck. You know I’d be in So-Cal in a heart beat if I could. But we are working on it!

    I put in another post about us coming out in Oct but I knew you were only giving your current place another year to live at. Was a wondering what you were planning on doing, staying in Laguna? Or moving to one of the other close by towns you looked at before like Fullerton.

    I think doing the activities with Daniel will really help him feel like he’s participating in helping things come in. Kids are great manifestors of what they want. That’s why Andrew nearly had his reptile zoo before he was 19! People were just giving him reptiles for FREE! A rare ball python with 40 gallon tank, a leopard gecko, a desert salcota tortoise, found a rat snake, the bearded dragon and other rat snake he bought before I told him to stop it! Thanks Steve Irwin! :-D

  14. Tammy says:

    It’s funny, whenever I think about where we are going to live I think about how/if it will affect you guys staying with us….crazy I know….but I like having you guys here when you are…we too are getting the moving card; But I have to say for the FIRST time ever I am drawing a blank as to what to do, just when i have settled on moving to Big Bear; (which is where I am pretty sure we will end up)……then I think how much I LOVE Laguna….so I am patiently bidding my time until I can see where the chips are starting to fall…so when I say can you come home now, I mean to my house or your house out here…either one works for me although one is more permanant then the other!!! hehehehe
    Daniel & I are both working on our manifesting…as you say at the end of all your posts….It’s all good

  15. admin says:

    Ummm yea, I don’t think Big Bear will work for us to stay with you although it sounds lovely. Laguna is so great but I know it’s expensive. It does feel like home when I’m there. I guess because we have spent so much time there working with Doreen then you living there, it just feels like home.

    Keep me posted!

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