Monday night around 10:20pm my dear, sweet,  amazing love of my life, my teacher, my hero my son Andrew passed on. We watched as they kept giving him cpr. We had to be the ones to call it. I watched as all the lines on the monitor went away. I stayed to get as much “fuzzy goodness” as I could. But when he started to get cold & stiff I had to go because it was getting too real for me that he was really gone.

I know he is here with us because he is talking to martin a lot. but it’s not the same.

I’m going to miss his “good morning mama! how’s it going?” Or his “How’s it going pretty mama?” I’d say “Good! How’s it going w/you?” He’d say everytime “Awesome!” Or his “WHo’s the prettiest mama??”and I HAVE to say “ME!” I will never get over this EVER!


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11 Responses to IT’S OVER

  1. Kali Robinson says:

    I am so very sorry Connie, Martin and Elatia. I have no words but know my thoughts and prayers are with you all. hugs and love

    love and majik


  2. Wenzday says:

    I sent you email at My Space.. I just heard hon I am so sorry my phone # is in it in case you need to talk to someone whos been through a simular situation. There is nothing I can say hon about this that will ever make this better, was a wonderful light being. I am praying for all of you and know i am here if you need me i am phone call away !
    Chancelor is with him and that means something they both will teach the world a thing or two reguardless on which plane they reside just know that!
    love to you and your family,

  3. Jeannette (Lori's mom) says:

    Connie and Martin.. Nothing that anyone can say that will make the pain
    go away.. I do pray that as the days go by, that you both will know that
    God loves you and Andrew.. Please know that our love will be with you
    and IF there is anything we can do for you, please call..
    Jeannette and Ben

  4. Anne Marie says:

    All my love, were all broken hearted, the world doesnt realise what theyve just lost, our hearts are with you, every single piece. Love you loads xxx

  5. Janet (high school) says:

    Connie and Martin,

    I sent you an email via your myspace please call me i love you both very much and want to be there with you

  6. Wendy Eidman says:

    Hi, Connie and Martin —
    I don’t know what to say to you both. This is horrible. I am so sorry. Of course you will never get over this — Andrew is part of your soul, and he was taken too soon. It is my hope that the pain will heal and subside, though. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  7. Myra Procter says:

    I am at a total loss for words and can’t stop the tears. My heart goes out to you Connie, Martin, Elatia and all your family who are sharing this devastating loss.
    Andrew has touched my life in a huge way these past 5 months with his courage, strength, humour and most of all his love for life. He was made for greater things and he has gone ‘home’ for his next assignment. Know that he will never leave your sides, that he will walk with you always.
    My heart aches for the grief you are bearing. You have all been an inspiration to me and the 100s of others who have had the priviledge to get to know your beautiful son through your daily writings on the ATP boards. I admire your courage and bravery, even if you didn’t feel very brave at times – you have been amazing.
    When I heard the news early this morning I went to each of my 3 daughters and told them Andrew had passed over and I gave them a huge hug and told them how much I loved them – I couldn’t think what else to do. I thanked God for their health and love.
    In sharing your journey you have made me realise what matters most in my life and to take nothing for granted.
    I am sending you so much love and prayers as you face the days, weeks, months ahead.
    God bless each and every one of you.


  8. Janice Olson says:

    I just wanted to let you know that you are all in my prayers!! I am in awe of all the courage and humor Andrew had throughout this journey. Even though he’s in a better place now, I know how much you will all miss him. I feel honored to have gotten to know Andrew these last few months and feel to privileged to know you Connie and Martin. Adam also sends his prayers, condolences and love.

    If here is anything I can do, please let me know!!


  9. Swati says:

    Dearest Connie & Martin,

    This has been a shock to so many of us. So many of us grieve today. Sandra said, “Over these months Andrew became ours”. I feel so broken ever since I heard this last night. My thoughts have been with you. If you go to the ATP board you’ll see how many have been touched by this news…how many have been crying.

    I am thankful to hear from you on this blog. Because I’m going crazy thinking how you both are. What helps most….even though it is not the same is…Martin is such an amazing medium…through him you can always stay in touch with Andrew. I’m so glad Andrew is talking a lot with you. Is he happy? Is he ok? Please let us know…because over these months he really became so much to us.

    Is there anything I can do to help? Email me/call me.


  10. Leonore Schuetz says:

    Dearest Connie,
    You have been not far from my thoughts since I learned of Andrew’s passing about 9:50 a.m. yesterday.

    I only met Andrew briefly during one of your shows and he seemed shy. I didn’t have time to really get to know him, sit and have a chat, or a joke. :-( But I had such a good impression of him. So sweet: such good, kind energy. A good soul. Bright and gentle. I could tell he loved and respected his parents.

    I’ll ask him to help me when I get disaffected teenage boy or girl clients.

    I wish so much I could just sit with you and be there for whatever emotional expression you needed to let out.

    I know that we’ve shared physical space about three times and those were around performances where I felt I should give you space, but I so enjoyed your shows and the little time we had to talk afterward, or at that one dinner. I looked forward to perhaps seeing more of you when you moved to Southern California. I’d like to be more of a friend…

    I remember what kind of shape I was in after my parents died, and I know that pales in comparison to what you are going through. I’m glad you have the comfort of communication with Andrew. I’m seeing him kind of brushing your cheek and lightly push your hair back. Did he ever tease you by lightly tugging your hair? I’m smiling as I’m getting something about you guys used to “rassle” with each other (he probably did it with Da more). You guys were a great threesome and he’ll still be with you.

    I was so touched by your description of him asking both of you to dance. He wants to make sure you two stay close and he celebrates and honors your life, too.


  11. Marty says:

    I am so very sorry . You are in my thoughts and in my heart as always.
    I say this to you with much love
    Marty .

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