Well, I’m hoping anyway. I had a dream last night, it’s fading fast and wanted to get down what I remember before I forget the rest. I don’t remember exactly where I was, but I was sitting somewhere and Andrew was appearing before me. I just remember his face appearing, it slowly materialized. I was able to touch his face and I wondered why couldn’t make this happen more often? That even this type of experience helps me cope. While it wasn’t as long as I would have liked, it was enough because I do remember touching his face & looking into his eyes & feeling him there with me. We communicated telepathically. Unfortunately I don’t remember about what. What it important is that I remember the feeling of being with him. I’m hoping this is just the beginning of many more beautiful encounters!


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5 Responses to IT’S A START?

  1. Leah Clark says:

    Woo-hoo!!! You’re on your way, baby!!! AWESOME! Woot! *doing the happy happy happy dance*

  2. admin says:

    keepin my fingers and eyes crossed that I am on my way!

  3. Swati says:

    Can’t even tell you how happy I am to hear this!! I feel this is not the beginning as such…and that this has been happening before. Or did you mean, the beginning of “remembering”? It reminds me of the book “One”. In the beginning he remembers weird bits and pieces of remarkable encounters in dream time. They were remarkable experiences. But when he woke up, all he remembered was weird bits like multicolored feathers and other nonsensical stuff. But slowly and steadily his remembering processes became really good. So will yours Connie. Continue your work…and I look forward to hearing wonderful heart warming stories from you about your meeting Andrew.

  4. admin says:

    Of course I spend time w/Andrew in dream time,I just don’t remember it, sometimes I do remember a feeling and bits and pieces of things but not enough to blog except for this one.

    Here’s to remembering MORE! :-D

  5. Karen T. says:

    Moving backwards again….:)

    I am sending you energy for remembering more and more too!!

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