Here’s the latest, the Dr.’s are soooooo pleased to the point of being giddy like a little girl!! Well, Trish, his LP definitely is! SHe’s a girl so she can be! Dr. Barbosa and Dr. Grana are exctied beyond belief at his progress. The transplant team is excited as well and can’t wait to get their hands on him! Apparently that’s a good thing because they think he will do really well w/the transplant. *phew* *wipes brow*
The reason for the excitement is because they didn’t think they would be able to get him to this point! Abuh?? To quote the infamous and profound Gary Coleman, Wot u talkin about Willis?? His condition was so serious that the odds of getting him ready for a transplant were very, very slim!! So what they were hoping for was to try and get him to 20% blast cells in his marrow. These are immature white blood cells that have the potential to go haywire. Even getting him to 20% was a stretch….so they thought!!
SO what was the % I hear you ask as you sit on the edge of your seats?? Guess!! Oh c’mon give it a go! SOme of you are psychics here!! *evil laugh* Ok, Ok, *dodging etheric smacks* DRUM ROLL PLLEEEEASE…… he is at 12%!!!! Apparently that is better than they ever could’ve hoped for so it sounds like a doggie dance is in order
Yea, good thing the mama gene didn’t know that lil diddy!! That woulda sent me over the edge!
Martin told me when they first brought up the transplant that they ideally like the #’s to be under 5% but will do it under 15%. SO I guess because he has responded so well they are doing a 3rd round of chemo on Monday to get him down below 5% then we move to the transplant ward. He has a better chance of a cure the lower his #’s are going in. Then he has, from what I understand, his last round of chemo to get him to zero stem cells, maybe some radiation then the transplant. That last part gets the mama gene upset BUT I smack it around a bit, (not a pimp slap or anything just a wee one ) and remember Abraham’s teachings, we can decide how hard or easy this is. Ultimately we are in control altho it really doesn’t feel like it because if I was in control I wouldn’t be here!! But if I knew how to really b in control I wouldn’t be here right?? Ahhh geez I have too much time by myself to think! I need to use it for good and not evil! ANdrew needs to quit bogarting the benedryl & start sharing w/mama!!
Soooo that puts us in here till at least Dec!! Hold on…*throws tantrum* BaaaaWaaaaa…..Ok, I’m back *wipes snotters* We’re hoping we can be paroled b 4 Christmas!!
I’m going home Tuesday to get a few things done, ok to get a reading AND to buy The Secret Behind The Secret and the book Bill mentioned. Gonna need something for the mama gene to focus on!
Dr. Barbosa said we could go home, no, wait for it, ….till Monday!! It’s Friday! Really?? Why bother?? So not worth it. Not w/everything we’d have to pack! But they were thinking of Andrew to give him a break. He said he is fine @ the hospital because he has all he needs here. At least one of us does! Instead he has 2, 6 hour passes to leave the hospital!! So we’re probably going to a couple of local new age stores to de-mugglefy ourselves! :-) Shake the hospital ick and rejuvinate ourselves some new age energy!! Ahhhhhhhh can’t wait!
Heard some news about another girl, Megan, that has been dealing w/a.l.l. leukemia for 6 yrs. off and on. It’s her 3rd relapse. We’ve gotten to know the grandmother. SHe was finally getting a transplant and they were giving her the chemo to get her #’s down. Her biopsy was 60% not a good sign at all! Megan is very strong but it is scary for her family since her chances go down w/every relapse. If you feel guided to say a wee prayer for her that would be great. We shared in their joy of finding a donor & I was sorry to get this news today. See?? That’s why me and Andrew like be to isolated! We like our own little world! No interference from anyone else’s story  I feel for them.
Martin and I are noticing how many families are not holding the space for their kids to heal. Another family the father is so toxic and the parents fight. The mother is going for a divorce now. WHat do you think this little girl is focused on? Her health?? I don’t think so. How this father can’t pull it together & at least pretend to be happy while his daughter is literally fighting for her life is beyond me!! I can now see how much we are actually doing for Andrew just by giving him a peaceful space filled w/love & laughter. SO many kids don’t have the sacred space in which to heal. If I could teach anything here, it would be classes for parents on how to behave postively at ALL times and create a healing space for their kids healing journey! Once you are dealt this, it is no longer about you and it’s ALL about your child!! I don’t give a crap what u having going on! AND if I, of all people, whose the “It’s all about me” queen can do it??? C’mon!! You’re child’s life depends on it!
There’s a 4 month old baby in the transplant ward whose mother donated t-cells then went home and cracked into a 12 pack of beer!! It’s hard enough to see so many kids sick but then to see them not have the healthy family space to heal?? That is harder! Why on Earth would I go to any support group??? I can’t imagine we’d meet any like minded people there!! I’m not taking on anyone’s crap!!
Off soap box and onto some funny. Andrew was showing off his 6 pk abs coming back. He said it’s from all the laughing!! His abs are pretty tight I must admit!
OH!! If you have any “Light the Night” walks in your area, if you can go and walk for ANdrew that would be cool. My niece did last Sat. with her baby and hubby wearing t-shirts w/Andrew’s pic on it and Tampa is having one soon. It raises money for leukemia research. We’ll do it next year!! Maybe we ALL could next year!! I love the title! No, Walk FOR Leukemia, or fight against leukemia. Just, Light the Night! Now that’s what I’m talking about! They don’t give leukemia any energy! Woo Hooo!! people that get it!!
It was another great day! Now we know more of what will be going on, I can’t believe I’m sayin this, I feel better. I think because the docs are so excited!! Andrew has made a lot of people believers! He wears his Survivor metal ALL of the time even when he is sleeping. I know, the metal should say Winner but it was given with such love and admiration that it has winner energy all over it!
Magickal Blessings!