Andrew’s First Blog


This is Martin, Andrew’s Dad getting the Blog on track. Pleasepost your comments and be sure to let people know. Connie will also be posting to the blog when she gets a chance. We will be doing it until Andrew can take over.


Andrew’s Dad

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10 Responses to Andrew’s First Blog

  1. Healive says:

    As soon as they have time, Andrew & Martin will start blogging their journey here.

  2. karen jordan says:

    please hurry up and start blogging, its our only way at the minute to communicate with you, Granny sends all the love she has and can’t wait to see you again, get well soon from all of us here in Ireland…….

  3. Well, it looks like it will be me blogging and not Martin or Andrew for awhile. Things are very hectic, always some kind of test going on.

    Today it is another lumber puncture (LP) where they do a spinal tap and they shoot chemo directly into his spine. It’s his 3rd one. *sigh* He is sedated for it. When they first did it there weren’t as many luekemia cells as they thought. SO that was good. Dunno what it is now. Haven’t heard…which we look at as a good sign. It’s when the docs won’t leave u alone u worry.

    He was on morphine for the severe throat pain from the chemo but then u have the side effects of even that to deal with. Like low oxygen levels, itching, so they of course have yet another drug to counter act that! It’s overwhelming to say the least when ur use to treating things holistically.

    Andrew is starting to lose his hair and we had to tell him yesterday. He was devastated. He spent the day processing that. Like he doesn’t have enough to deal with. SO we are going to do a sacred ceremony tonight and cut his hair and then bury it by a tree & ask Mother Earth to return it to him plentiful and quickly. But not like some hairy Italian or anything! :-)

    It makes me sad as I sit here watching him sleep and see all the hair over him. With everyhing he has gone thru he has handled it w/such grace and courage like I’ve never seen.

    He was in the bathroom yesterday and I was sitting on the floor talking him. I told him we were gong to get thru this fine and only remember the special moments we shared together. He said he knew that. He then said, “Mommy, I’m happy” After all this and more to come he is still happy. I know so many adults who have so much and are so miserable and this CHILD is going thru such trauma and he is still happy. People only thought I sufferd fools lightly before!!! I really have no time for people sitting in their shit now. I will NOT excuse anyone whose is in their shit. I will not waste my time anymore. I told Andrew that the only way you can help people is to inspire them by who you are. If they don’t get it then move on and don’t waste ur time. It’s not worth getting sick over.

    Andrew knows that he left himself too open for others to dump their probelms on. He is paying the price now. He has learned to take care of himself and set very strong boundries & protection. WHen he cares for someone he really cares and takes on their stuff. He won’t do that anymore.

    While this is very hard we have had some very sacred times and some how grew even closer. We had more special times here then some families could ever experience at Disney WOrld. The 3 of us are on a sacred healing journey and only great things can come of it. Because that’s just how we roll!

    We thank everyone for lending their love and support! It means the world to us!

    In Grace and Gratitude!

  4. Nana and Poppy says:

    What a wonderful website and we can be a part of it. We want to you know that we love you very very much and how proud we are of you. You have shon us so much courage and have kept such a positve attitude…. We are all learning from you, Cutie Pie… Hans says WOOF WOOF and a big slurp of love. OX’s ALWAYS

  5. Wow! Andrew just got card from Scotland!! How cool! Thank you Myra!!

    If anyone wants to send a card just sned it to

    Andrew Jordan
    c/o All Childrens Hospital RM 265
    801 6th St. South
    St. Petersberg, FL 33701

    Sunday July 29th at 2:22p.m. EST there is a world wide healing circle for Andrew. At this time we’re going to hold and know the truth for Andrew and affirm THANK YOU FOR ANDREW’S MIRACLE HEALING! And so it is! I can’t think of anything more powerful than people around the world knowing this truth at the same time!

    Andrew just had his LP and is resting comfortably. May try and rest myself now.

    Abundant Blessings!



  7. Well, it’s 3 a.m. and Andrew is resting pretty good. I have The Fairy of The Woods CD playing. He’s More restful than he has been. His oxygen levels are great right around 97 right now. We had an issue with it earlier today and he was put on oxygen. Today was a bit of a nightmare w/some doctors. Pulmonary doc came in and said he has lung disease. WTF??? AND they want to do yet another procedure and go into his lungs to get a biopsy. Every test has come back neg. R U kidding me?? They want him to gain weight but r always doin some kind of procedure where they don’t want him to eat! Someone is going to get a smack real soon!

    Then the pediactric SURGEON, that’s right surgeon stops by and starts talking about his spleen may have damage right infront of Andrew! In my infinite red headed, wise one, I’m gonna prison stab you way, I told him to NOT talk in the room and to NOT talk to me. He had to wait to talk to my husband got there.

    Sooooo I got mad and now searchng for alternative treatments to add because all this crap is waaay to much! They are no longer helping his body get healhy again. It’s just one side effect after another! I put the word out to get GW Harding, best seller of the book The Messengers to call us. He called tonight and he gave us some great advice and is getting the name of a woman who does remote healing.

    At 1:00 a.m. Andrew got up to go potty and he then sat in a chair after and I finished his hair cut, I buzzed the rest off. Ok, it does look a bit like a blind guy did it but it was 1a.m. You kow he still looks handsome. Nothing could change his bright, amazing light. He is my sunshine.

    Thank you all for leaving comments. He likes when I read them to him. He really appreicates everyone taking the time to write as do I.


  8. Nana and Poppy says:

    Good morning, Cutie Pie… Jessica and I will be on our way up this a.m. to see you. Aunt Lisa has to work but I know that she will be up soon, very soon. With all that is going on with you, Andrew you take it all with Grace and a smile on that handsome face of yours.. You have to be admired for you are showing us how handle any situation and still be who you are. Our Cutie Pie is Blessed and how lucky are we that YOU ARE ALL OURS…. I am bringing up a framed picture of me and Poppy, aren’t you lucky.. I am going to have my coffee now and then get dressed to come on up. So we shall see you soon. Love you with OX’s… Nana

  9. jessica says:

    Hey sweetie~ It was great to be able to see you today, I always look forward to seeing looked great as always and im glad to see that you were resting peaceful! You are soo strong and it shows with that smile of yours and thumbs up that you do…:)You are just so precious. You keep up all the great work and get lots of rest when you can!! I hope your room smells nice for you :) and if you need anything else you let me know so I can bring it to you the next time I come up! Anything at all… Remember I am here for you along with Sam and baby Clayton and of course he sends his kisses too! I love you so very much! sweetdreams xoxoxoxo

  10. Uncle John & Aunt Elli says:

    Dear Sweet Andrew,
    Just a note to tell you we love you and you are continuously in our prayers. We are including a poem that has meant so much in our lives…

    There is a mystery in human hearts and though we be encircled
    By a host of those who love us well and are beloved
    To every one of us, from time to time…
    There comes a sense of utter loneliness.
    Our dearest friend is “stranger” to our joy
    And can not realize our bitterness.
    There is no one who really understands
    No one to enter into all I feel.
    Such is the cry of each of us in turn,
    We wander in a “solitary way.”
    No matter what or where our lot may be,
    Each heart, mysterious even to itself,
    Must live its inner life in solitude.
    And would you know the reason why this is…
    It is because the Lord desires our love,
    In every heart He wishes to be first…
    He therefore keeps the secret key Himself,
    To open all its chambers and to bless
    With perfect sympathy and Holy peace.
    Each solitary soul which comesto Him.
    And when beneath some heavy cross you faint
    And say “I can not bear this alone”, you say the truth.
    God made it purposely so heavy that you must return to Him.
    The bitter grief “that no one understands”
    Conveys a secret message from the King…
    Entreating you to come to Him again.
    You can not come to often or too near
    The God of Mercy is infinite in His Grace
    His presence satisfies the longing soul
    And those who walk with Him from day to day
    Can NEVER have a “Solitary Way”.

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