HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY MUCK!!! (added more beg & end)

It’s hard to believe that it was 18 years ago today at 2:02pm on Mother’s Day, that our beautiful Mucker made his way into our world a month early at 6lbs. I had planned a home birth which ended up being an emergency c-section instead. He was in the NICU for 6 days and on a respirator the first 24 hrs of his life. Ironic that that is how he left here 16 years later, in the PICU on a respirator. Also hard to believe that he is not here physically anymore to share his 18th b-day w/us. But it does not stop us celebrating him and his life here…OR him still being a part of it!

We kicked off Muck’s birthday weekend with performing our concert, which was a grrreat way to  start celebrating this amazing young man/teacher’s life! Jeremy saw some more cool stuff going on during the concert again. Like a green vine coming from Martin’s guitar as he played, as well as different shapes according to the notes Martin was playing. Martin said that was the Elvin magick energy that is present during our concerts when he plays, along with the Avatar’s magickal energy. Martin explained that musical notes have vibrations, as we already know, and this energy takes shapes and forms. Jeremy said it was the best concert yet. He is sooo addicted! 

A friend & fellow musician of ours Tim, that we met thru our store, & adores our Muck, is spending the weekend. Muck’s younger friend Daniel, from Laguna who moved back to FL who we also met thru our store, was here for the weekend. Muck’s friend Wes finally made it here, and his other best friend Corey too, for the party on Sat.

What do you get with 3 boys and a butt load of fireworks under Muck’s bed?? Ummm, yea, the po-leece showing up inquiring about bb guns being shot off.  Shocked Shocked Martin in all his elemental wisdom said, “I don’t know anything about that officer sir.”  :Smiley No lie, there were no bb guns this time, that was earlier in the day.  Wink BUT Martin did NOT say to the po po, “No, that was firecrackers in a bottle that was heard, or the bottle rockets, or the m-80 flowers or the other explosives they were setting off in honor of their beloved friend’s 18th b-day, officer sir.”  We had the boys hide in the office till we felt the po po’s left the neighborhood. Muck told us last year that Tesla and Einstein did the fireworks for his party on the Other Side!    You can’t beat that! 

We potted a night blooming jasmine bush at his party so we could have options with it and not worry about it getting fried in the yard. We can encourage the faeries to hop on it during the day and bring it in at night to work on our auras or manifest with them, as the aroma of jasmine fills our room.  *snnnnnnniiifffffff* Ahhhhhhh

It’s great to have another one of Andrew’s friends around (Daniel). We went to the mall to buy “Mucker” something at Build A Bear, and we LOAO the whole way home. Just like I use to do w/Muck & Wes on our midnight runs to Walmart or me and Wes’s midnight runs to Walmart together. It was so nice to have all 3 boys here. It was the best present for me for Mother’s Day too.

Martin and Tim set up their equipment and did a jam session at the party. Later Martin put on his “troll” setting on his 4 track so we all had a turn at sounding like the mayor of Munchkin Land. You know the boys had a blast (no pun intended  Wink ) w/that one! Martin sang a John Denver song like that, as well as his Only love Is Real. Do we know how to party or what!??? 

Then we taught an Angel Workshop on Mother’s Day. It’s good for me to be busy on holidays, it helps me to stay positive. Having Jeremy, Tim and Daniel there was great too. Andrew did have Martin get me a lavender bush (his fav oil) for MD. He wanted the standard messier lavender bush for me. When Martin tried to get the more manicured French one, he heard Andrew say,”Did I say the French one Daddy? I want the other one because it’s messy like my hair.” LOL PLUS it has a stronger aroma.

On Tues, Muck’s actual b-day, we will have dinner at his fav steak house Long Horns, where his sister works, which I think is why it was his fav place.

So this weekend was a wonderful one filled with lots of music, friends, laughter and love. Can’t ask for much more than that. I could, but I won’t. ;-)


P.S. We had our lovely dinner at Long Horns with Elatia. We took pics which will be up on facebook and myspace. As we were sitting there, I was looking at our Mucker-saurus and thinking how he fit on the table, and that this is what our Muck has been reduced to. As I was thinking that, I get “Look again Pretty Mama.” At that moment, I “saw/knew” that Andrew was sitting right beside Elatia sitting tall and grinning big. It was very cool! We were ALL together like we have always been for Muck’s b-day at Long Horns….just in the new way.

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9 Responses to HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY MUCK!!! (added more beg & end)

  1. Karen T. says:

    Good deal! Wish I’d have gotten in on more of the fun. The concert was awesome though. I can see the stands!! Yay! Happy birthday Andrew!!

  2. admin says:

    Thanks Karen. Those stands can’t come soon enough! We are ready for bigger audiences! We’ll be having more fun, no worries!

  3. Leah Clark says:

    Awesome!!! Sounds like you had a wonderful day – you deserve it! xoxo

  4. Karen T. says:

    Read the PS…very cool! Connie’s on her way to total connection with her awesome son!! Yay! Doing a happy dance for ya!

  5. Jane says:

    (((Connie))) I am so glad you guys all had such a fun time.

  6. Jeremy says:

    These are not the droids you’re looking for.. Martin is now a Jedi.

  7. Leah Clark says:

    LMAO Jeremy!

  8. Swati says:

    Read this at your FB, and now here. I am so happy you had a great time!!

  9. Dana says:

    Sounds like a fantastic party!

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