Healive was down because it was being moved or something. SO I put these links on the Angel boards until I could put them here and I only got ONE person who replied. Now, this is some funny s**t people! We laughed so hard! I can’t believe only 1 person replied on how she laughed so hard and loud she thinks she disturbed her neighbors!! Maybe her and I are the only twisted ones on there. But I know we have more twisted people here! :-D Denise couldn’t stop laughing! I thought she was going to choke! LOL
To view the first 2 videos you have to go to my my myspace page, scroll down to the comments on the right side of the screen until you see Elatia’s comment and a screen for the comment, it’s the 12th and 13th comment down on March 15th. Then you click on the play button.
You have to pass the hideous pics of me on St Paddy’s day first that people posted. I look like a middle aged drag queen in Miami or something! If you scroll down further you’ll see my pics from last year and see what I mean. I look 20yrs older this year. NOT COOL!
Anyway, Elatia was at it again and did an “elf yourself” sorta thing, only it’s a jibjab.com thing where you can choose the scenario. OMG! It’s so funny! You may need some Depends in case you pee yourself! Yes, Andrew is in one of them and Merlin the other!!!
Now if you scroll even further down you’ll see another screen from a Chrisy in my comments and that one is funny too! It’s of me, her and Bobby, one of the owners of the Rover, break dancing! Now the jibjab server has been overwhelmed so it may not come right up, they are working on it.
Here’s the link to my myspace page myspace
Now if you want to see a disturbing one Elatia did BUT LYAO then go to or copy and paste the link into your browser
elatia sent you this JibJab Sendables greeting.
Be prepared to laugh your ass off! I warned you!!! This one is of her father in law and Ed’s best friend Steve. See? disturbing yet hilariously funny!
Here’s another one of Ed. It’s a funny one too! These are just freakin hilarious!
ed sent you this JibJab Sendables greeting.
As we know, it was one of these things that caused a wedge between me and my mother yet again on x-mas eve. Too bad! This stuff makes me laugh and I gotta keep on laughing! (when I’m not having a melt down anyway)
PLEASE feel free to comment on these. Not sure why no one else would comment on the Angel board, oh well. I know they viewed it at least. And if you don’t find these funny?? There is something very wrong with you!!
After my last few blogs, you guys deserve some serious funny!!! :-D :-D :-D
this is too good! LOL I was laughing so hard I had tears.
I didn’t know Merlin was such a hottie! LOL
Lots of love and laughter,
Not ignoring you. We’re in Kona right now. Internet access at the hotel is $10.95/day. Yikes! I guess tomorrow we’ll be driving around the residential neighborhoods looking for an unsecured wifi signal. Hey, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do to read the blog. Blessings!
LOL LOL Joanie! Now c’mon I know not everyone on the Angel board is in Kona working!……Or I’d be there too! :-) Or did I miss the memo?? Only me and Sophia aren’t staffing?? Looks like Dana, Leah, and Karen T are staffing too now! Whoa! They have increased staff then! LMAO! Ok, I’ll stop now. :-D
It is good isn’t it Leila?? I just love it! Isn’t my puppy amazingly talented?!! He is the absolute best! I’m going to enter him into America’s Got Talent! I just gotta make sure Hasselhauf doesn’t get drunk and mistake my wiener dog for a hot dog and eat him! At least I’ll get it on tape! LMAO!
Connie all of them were LOL funny. The strip tease was priceless! but for some reason Merlin sent me over the top. I was telling Robert (duaghters bf) last night and I couldn’t stop laughing while I was telling it….well it lost something in the translations he just looked at me like *put down the crack pipe* ROFLAO
Well you’ll just have to make him watch it, words just can’t do it justice!
OMG! That striptease one was HYSTERICAL!
I was a lecture last night and got up at 4AM (yes AM! *EEK!*) to go 2 hrs across my state to a corporate meeting! YIKES! When I got home – I immediately took a nap! (Kona sounds much better though!)
*runs off to Connie’s myspace*
Huge Huggles!
Those St. Patrick’s Day pics are too die for! OMG! You have surpassed anything we ever dreamed of doing in the ‘dress up’ dept! LOL! I LOVE IT!
That step dancing video was a HOOT!
Great Stuff!
See? I try and balance the melt downs with some funny soon after. Wesley is here again for the weekend so he’s having a blast with the jibjab. Now I’m off to finish today’s/tomorrow’s blog.
Be it melt downs or having to daily deal with the muggles – we ALL need some comedy and laughter in our lives! :D