First, I want to thank Leila Morgan for sending a very cool cd called IMMUNITY that Tom Kenyon does by channeling 32 spirit healers. One song is for what??? BONE MARROW! That’s right! :dog :hula Worth a doggie dance and a hula! There’s also one for the thymus gland. I’m listening to it for the first time now. Very powerful.

SO between this cd and the Dahli Lama chant cd we are hooked up! All we need is the welcome home signs and streamers and we have one heck of a powerful stem cell welcome home party! Feeling a dance coming on! :dog

I did something stupid tonight. You’d think I’d learn by now that NO question to the nurse is harmless! Andrew and I were talking about Halloween and Thanksgiving. He soooooo wants to be home for Thanksgiving. He loves his holidays that center around eating! Halloween would be good but he knows he can’t go out anyway. AND our neighborhood sucks at Halloween. Too many old people not enough kids so we go to a friend’s neighborhood that is rocking! I don’t think we will be able to even go to a friend’s house while his friends go out and get him some candy too. I’m sure they will make it fun in the hospital. I found out that they just took the kids from ACH to Disney World!! We did not hear of this! Nor could we have gone either mind you. :\ oh well, my point??….

Oh yea, so we’re talkin about the transplant and how long will it take. It sez in the kid’s book it can take 14-30 days for the engrafting to take place then the marrow has to start making blood. SO I ask Amy, the nurse tonight, about how long are the kids in the hospital after the transplant. Why didn’t I stop myself!?? WHY? WHY? WHY? She said that she has seen some kids actually out quickly, in a month and others it can be 6 months!!! :eek :eek :eek Oh no she didn’t!!!!:x :x Me and Andrew just looked at each other & thought nuh uh, no way! Ain’t gonna be no 6 months!! I could hear him thinking that!!

I look forward to having a great story about how visualizing and having so many prayers and holding the truth of Andrew’s true well being made the transplant go so smoothly. Why it’s had to even come to a transplant is beyond me but I have to accept that it has I guess. I secretly hope that they will say that he’s done so well, they can’t explain it but he doesn’t need the transplant. They say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one…..

He was in a great mood tonight, singing answers & deman..I mean requests singing requests, & quick witted. We were talking some crazy nonsense when Andrew sez to Martin, “say it!” Martin just looks at him like “uh no!” Then Andrew sez “C’mon make me happy!” The was he said it just made Martin and I ROFLOAO!! I don’t remember what Martin said but I’ll ask and put it here…or not because I believe it has something to do w/poop! Of course it did! lol

It’s such a roller coaster ride of emotions because I am enjoying him feeling well & cherish all these wondeful moments w/him but want the transplant to be done & over with and be home working on getting back to a new normal. I know in order for that to happen he has to go thru hell probably again. I get nervous as the days get closer to the transplant but then I get excited. It’s heart wrenching. I am soooooo over this roller coaster ride! To quote the famous and quite profound :-) George Jetson, “Jane! Get me off this thing!”

His blood pressure has been higher than normal again 134/72 just now :( He did receive platelets today tho. Dunno if that explains it. He was in high spirits today and we look forward to a Marvelous Monday!!


Magickal Blessings!

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4 Responses to GEEZ! YOU’D THINK I’D LEARN!!

  1. Lord Horus says:

    Hey guys. Im sorry I havnt been able to make it up there this week. Ive been strapped for cash and all that lovely stuff. My check didnt show up when it was supposed to. But It should be here today. I plan on taking a day off sometime this week and I will be up to see you.

    Andrew is doing great. We all feel it, we all know it. The big L word is Beaten this time around, kicked its tail between its legs and run away.

    Andrew the Avatar.. Maybe we can just call him AA for short… wait.. maybe not.. LOL.. or ATA.. Andrew The Avatar.. also could be.. All The Attention.. LOL…

    Victory is at hand… Muaahahahahaha.. Eh. sorry.. that one just sipped out..

    Talk to you guys Soon.. Drop me a line Big A. you can catch me on yahoo.

  2. Sophia says:

    You know we are with you all the way Connie :)
    Sending love to you all, especially to gorgeous Andrew!
    I’m really bummed I can’t be at there drinking a Bud with everyone at the benefit – but will be with you in spirit. x

  3. Sophia says:

    You know we are with you all the way Connie :)
    Sending love to you all, especially to gorgeous Andrew!
    I’m really bummed I can’t be there drinking a Bud with everyone at the benefit – but will be with you in spirit. x

  4. Soul Wings says:

    You know we are with you all the way Connie :)
    Sending love to you all, especially to gorgeous Andrew!
    I’m really bummed I can’t be there drinking a Bud with everyone at the benefit – but will be there with you in spirit. x

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