This morning Andrew was wearing a t-shirt that caught Martin’s eye. We had been talking yesterday about how apparently John Denver wasn’t allowed to be in the “We Are The World” video because of Michael Jackson. He didn’t want John there. I did not know that and thought that was pretty crummy. I am not a huge fan of Whacko Jacko, and that just moved up a notch after hearing that lil ditty. As we were talking about John Denver, Martin’s phone goes off and when he checks, there’s no call coming in. Martin said it was John sayin “Hi.”

So this morning Martin sees Andrew’s t-shirt with a side silhouette of John Denver on one side and Muck’s side silhouette on the other side facing John’s. Underneath it, it said “JD & ME.”  I appears Muck and JD are still best buds hanging out. I thought that was interesting enough to blog about.


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