First Andrew is has been healing a fever, headache, and nausea since Sunday a.m. What is it with that boy and Sundays. His temp is 102.4 I’m not happy about this at all. He was feeling so great Sat and most of the week. What the hell??
We were right!! OMG!! My drama queen moment was indeed warranted! Here’s what we are dealing with. The room mate’s family is straight from Jerry Springer show!! That is the energy I was smelling! I mean it was nasty! Lower toxic energies have a nasty stench to them. That is the energy Martin keeps having to pull out of here! The room mate’s mother was here one night (when he was in another room) Apparently the father’s girlfriend gave her hell & an argument in sued. The father is off drinking and no parents are here for him! Even tho they aren’t here & we haven’t seen them, their toxic energy is attached to the room mate. The gift that keeps on giving!
Dr. Grana is even calling child services on the parents! Good for her for doing it! Andrew really loves Dr. Grana. But is it any wonder why we are feeling so much?? Even the Dr. is getting involved. Hmmm and Andrew isn’t feeling well now & he is very sensitive to energy. Could be a coincidence but his fever hasn’t been this high in a long time. When he wasn’t feeling well last Sunday, by night time he was feeling better. Not so this week. :-(
I am so sorry this kid is going thru this but my priority is my son! We haven’t busted our asses working the energy of this place keeping it a sacred healing space, only to have it dumped all over by major dysfunction! We’re exhausted as it is, we can not take on another case! Martin is feeling it physically. He’s working on Andrew AND clearing the room which needs it constantly.
I went to Amy in tears. I told her that the Dr’s may think what we do is BS but his biopsy wouldn’t be @ 12% if it weren’t for all the energy work & prayers that have been sent to him by so many people! I told her that our concern is our son first and we can’t take on the room mate’s stuff too! If we are together we will have to because it effects us, there’s no way around it in such close quarters. I told her we can’t take another patient’s stress. I told her there’s only so much we can take and we are tired as it is!
She said she was going to look into getting us into a private room today. She’ll have to move someone to do it. I’m sure it’ll be someone who is leaving soon anyway!
I have asked AA Raphael, AA Michael, and AA Uriel to be with the room mate. To help him heal, to give him strength and to help ease his emotional stress. I do feel for him & pray for him & hope you will too.
Just wanted to pop in and say Hi and give Andrew my well wishes. I just got back into town from being out of the U.S. so I had to catch up on a weeks worth of updates. I’m glad to hear that Andrew is doing so well and handled the last round of chemo like a champ. Each of you are in my daily thoughts and prayers. Keep up the updates, I enjoy them!
P.S. Love, Love, Love the blue wig pics!!!
Take Care.
Much Love