While we were busy this weekend starting with our concert tour, I made notes on stuff to blog about so I would remember and keep everyone caught up on our Muck chronicles . SO here ya go…
On our way to the Witch’s Brew Sat night, we had to take I-275 which is the same highway to All Children’s Hospital. Of course I had mixed emotions as we passed exit 22 to ACH. Part of me wanted to turn off the exit because I wished we were still there (because it doesn’t feel like it’s been nearly 16 months since we’ve been there). The irony, I could wait till ALL us were outta there TOGETHER! I don’t even know how to explain the emotions that go along with this. But as we were coming up to the exit and I was trying to tell Martin how I was feeling, the Jason Mraz song, “I’m Yours” came on. Andrew always knows the right thing to “say” to help me through.
When we get to the cool Witch’s Brew cafe, I had to use the bathroom after the 90 min drive and water I had been drinking. This place is really cool! I love the way it was decorated. I go into the bathroom and notice up on the wall a bit is a pic of who with what? A pic of John Lennon with the “Imagine” tile memorial in NY. I told Martin about it and he couldn’t see it when he went in. It was the first thing I noticed when I went in. Again, Andrew knows the right thing to “say.”
When we were almost to the Witch’s Brew, Wes called and said he was on his way to his grandmother’s. We hadn’t seen him in a month. I was like DOH! We missed him! But he said to call when we were almost home and we did. He said he was on his way out the door when we called to go work his “corner.” LOL Pretty much means waiting on the corner till we got home. We picked him up on his corner. Surprisingly he wanted to go with us on Sunday to our event at the Soul Mirror, even though we had to leave at 9am.
After 90 mins of sleep, sho enuff Wes was up and ready to go us at 9am. He spends his time on WOW till the wee hours of the morning when he is here. So as we get on the road and head towards the interstate, I am reminded of the garage sale last weekend. Not sure why I felt the urge to tell Wes that story right then. I just knew Wes would get a kick out of it because at the last garage sale up the street, Wes saw a globe he wanted to get because he knew Andrew would have gotten it. SO as I am telling Wes about the red kyack as we are entering the highway, what do we see? Something none of us have EVER seen before, a very long persession of cars and trucks with KYACKS! It looked like a FUNeral persession! They had their head lights on and each car or truck had 2 kyacks on them. The line was as far back as we could see! All we could do was LOAO! I mean c’mon! What are the odds of that??!! BUT no red kayack, just every other color! Martin said because Andrew had the red one! LOL Wes couldn’t deny that HUGE sign and he agreed that Andrew was all about making things fit in his room. SO yea the red kayack woulda been in there!
Several interesting things happened at the Soul Mirror. First during the Sunday service, Leah arranged to have Martin sing, Only Love Is Real (thank you Leah). After the service one of the women there, I believe her name was Sara, said that when Martin was singing, she heard someone harmonizing with him. She looked around and no one else was singing much to her surprise! That’s when she realized it was Andrew she was hearing. How cool is that?? A. VERY!
We had Leah kick off our concert with the song she wrote for Andrew, “Let Well Being Flow.” I know Andrew wanted her to start us off. He loved hearing her sing, he said she had the voice of an Angel and so she does. Please feel free to put a link to your songs here Leah!
During our concert something interesting happened to Martin. He was singing Chris De burg’s song, “The Spaceman Came Traveling.” It’s about the birth of Jesus being told from an ET’s perspective if you will. Part of the way through it, Martin loses it! He gets choked up and tears fill his eyes and he coudn’t sing. It wasn’t even a song Andrew gave him! Neither of us saw that one coming! He had to stop and compose himself and said “I gotta get out of my soul voice,” meaning Andrew had entered his body and the overwhelming love he was feeling was a bit too much for him to handle. It was an intimate/intense moment for all us I believe. Our concert is emotional and high vibrational. You can’t help but feel a bit vulnerable as your feel your heart open more. Martin and I are sharing from our heart about the love we have for our son and the lessons he has for all of us, who care to tune in. I think everyone there felt something.
I look forward to seeing where this concert is going to take us. I know each one will take us on a new journey. Each concert will have it’s own unique experience. After all it is an Avatar running this show!
You have offically been caught up! ;-) You may move about the cabin now.
Yes Connie…that was an intense moment for me watching Daddy Martin get choked up! The whole thing was awesome, but that was most.
Awesome!!! wish I could have been there!!!! I miss being the Groupie!!!
I’m so glad you could make it Karen. Thank you!!!!
Yea, it was a good day. Even J asked where our groupie was. :-)
The concert was very well received by those who attended (the rest will be sorry, it will be SRO for the next one and we won’t let ’em in! so there!). It’s always a humbling experience for me to sing that song – the whole time I was singing, I was remembering meeting Andrew and seeing him in the hospital. His smile, his sense of humor. Anyone who wants to see/hear the song can find it here – http://www.youtube.com/andhealive
Sara is one of our ministers – Rev. Sara Urbina. She’s awesome – I’m not surprised she could hear Andrew singing!