The Meeting of an Avatar Part III

When I do this Andrew gives me the answer to the problem just like his Dad. I guess what I am saying is that when Martin is not available, Andrew always is. I would also like to share another story of Andrew communicating with me. It was late Fall of 2012, on a very chilly morning. I woke up and I prepared my coffee and check in on face-book to see what everyone was up to. I saw a posting Connie put on face-book about Martin. He became very ill while they were out of country and had been admitted to the hospital, no one was sure what the situation was until all the testing was completed.

Many of Connie and Martins friends were posting by the second. Worried, concerned, not knowing what to do. I could feel the anxiety across the pond. I remember my heart racing that morning as I got ready for work. I kept saying “Andrew please, please help your Dad, please help everyone who loves your Dad and Mom so much, Oh please Andrew help us all.” I work in a grade school as an Aid, arriving was difficult because my mind was thousands of miles away, but I had to put on my happy face for my Kindergartners. For God sake, they are only babies and I could not allow how I was feeling to effect them. The day went on and my 18 five years olds kept me busy. Later that day I needed to fix items that were in the children’s lost and found. As I was going thru the items I come across a black knit hat with the words written in white, “It’s All Good”.

At that very moment I felt Andrew presence as if he was telling me, “Yes my Dad is not well, but he is gonna be just fine, don’t worry and tell my Mom about this”. I arrived home from work and went straight to face-book to see the updates from Connie. It was a scary situation but I knew it was going to work out because Andrew said so and that was good enough for me. He wanted us to keep sending his mom messages and positive healing energy for his Dad. That is what they needed the most because in the end everything would be all good. I would like to touch back on the hat that appeared in the lost and found. The school was going to hold its parents Open House and Holiday Assembly. All the lost and found items were neatly folded on two tables. I know my kids
and I know I had never ever seen any one of them with such an item. A hat like that would certainly catch my eye.

Parents, students, staff walked the halls, saw the assembly, had cookies and juice,
and stopped at the lost and found table. I waited anxiously for someone, someone out of an estimated 400 people to step forward. No parents claimed it, no child claimed it, no staff member claimed it. Where did this come from and who did it belong to? How did it get on my lost and found table and on the same day Martin is admitted to the hospital. Oh yes, it must be Andrew?s and it was a sign. Following the winter school break It was still on the lost and found table, almost a month and still no takers. So I claimed it. Took a picture and posted it to Connie?s page. I know Andrew wanted me to do this for his Mom as a gift from him. Although I have never had the blessing as others have of meeting Andrew in an earthly way, I met him as his higher self and that is the gift he wanted me to have. There are no coincidences, as Martin always says his
son found me as his soul family. Soul family, imagine that. Lucky me!

In conclusion, I want to add that I am no physic, I do however have a good sense of intuition at times. I can only say that in the beginning I doubted my gut feeling and the energy that circled me. The harder I fought it the stronger it became, I guess I couldn’t understand why or how he came into my life. But he did and with a purpose. I know what I know, and I know this boy named Andrew found me. I have felt closer to him then
members of my family, people I’ve known all my life. I am lucky, because of Andrew, I have had the opportunity to engage with two of the most wonderful people on
earth, his parents. I have learned so much from Martin and Connie because of Andrew.
Although I have never met them in person, it really doesn’t matter because their son has made me feel as if I have known all of them for a lifetime.

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